Annoying Neighbor (Sherlock)

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You couldn't stand your neighbor Sherlock, John wasn't bad as a matter of fact, you and John got along just fine. Every time you saw each other in the hall, you would make small talk. Sherlock, however, would walk right past you without a word. He was so full of himself. He loved to show off and brag about how smart he was. Mrs Hudson warned you about him telling you that he was difficult, but once you got through his rough exterior, he was actually the sweetest man you'd ever meet. You had a hard time believing that based on what you saw.

It was the middle of the night, and a storm had woken you up about half an hour ago. It was brutal outside, and you lived on the first floor so you could see the wind pushing the trash cans and other things around the streets. The city had decided to plant some trees on the devil strip to make the area look more welcoming. You thought it was a stupid idea, mostly because you didn't look at the devil strip when deciding your opinion on the area.

You were making yourself some tea when you heard a loud crash coming from your bedroom. Jumping up, you ran into the bedroom and saw a tree branch busted the window above your bed, and rain had already soaked the sheets. You ran to grab some trash bags, scissors, and duck tape. You cut the trash bags so they would cover more area then taped them over the window as best you could, but since the tree branch was still in your room, it was difficult to maneuver around it. You sighed. As much as you didn't want to, it seemed you would have to go to your upstairs neighbors for help. Mrs Hudson was out for the weekend, and the only other people in the building were John and Sherlock. Given how late it was, you knew that John was more than likely asleep. You just prayed that maybe due to the storm he'd be awake.

Taking a deep breath, you went upstairs and knocked on Sherlock and John's door. After waiting a few opened the door.

"Tree branch fell through your window and now you need a place to stay until Mrs Hudson can get it fixed." He wasn't asking, he knew.

"Yes." You rolled your eyes. "I know I'm going to regret asking but how did you know?"

"I heard the crash, you're also soaking and since I didn't see you go outside that means you either decided to shower in your clothes or a tree branch crashed through your window. You don't seem like a complete fool so I'm guessing it was the second option." He replied smugly.

"Yes, it was the second one. Look I don't like this anymore than you do but can I just sleep on your couch for the next two days until Mrs Hudson gets back into town? It's not supposed to rain as bad tomorrow but my bed won't be dried by then either way. I used trash bags to cover the hole as best I could but there's still a branch taking up half my bedroom." You sighed. You were so tired and all you wanted was to get some sleep. You didn't have to work the next day but you were up early due to work today and just wanted to pass out. Whether it be on your own bed or Sherlocks couch you didn't really care at the moment.

"Come on in." He moved out of the doorway to let you in then closed the door behind you. "You're soaked, I'll get you some clothes and you can go take a hot shower. I'd rather you not get sick."

"Worried about my health?" You teased.

"No, you getting sick means you spread your germs around this entire flat." You rolled your eyes at him as he led you into his bedroom where he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that was way too long for you.

"The bathrooms right down the hall. I'll make you some tea while you're showering." He pointed to the bathroom.

"Thank you." You smiled gently at him.

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