Holding a Grudge (Sherlock)

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"Excuse me, I'm looking for Sherlock Holmes room." You frantically asked the receptionist.

"Are you family?"

"I'm his fiance."

"Room 206. He has two visitors with him right now."


"His brother and sister in law." She informed you.

"Oh they better not be." You huffed angrily and stormed to his room. Sure enough Mary and John were sitting in his room and Sherlock was conscious but weak of course.

"What the hell are you doing in here? Brother and sister in law are you serious!" You spat at the two.

"We wanted to be here with him." Mary began but you cut her off.

"You are the one who shot him! You have no right to be here. I have half a mind to tell the nurse out there that Sherlock Holmes doesn't have a brother or sister in law. I should tell her that you are impersonating his brother." You yelled looking at John.

"Y/N please calm down, this is all a big misunderstanding." John tried to defuse the situation.

"I will not calm down. Your wife just shot my fiance! He could have died and of course you're just gonna sit there and try to play mediator!" You fumed.

"Y/N darling I'm fine the doctors said."

"I know what the doctors said, Sherlock. I don't care what the doctors said. She fucking shot you and for that I will never forgive her. I want you out, I don't want you in here to see him until he is discharged next week." You pointed to the door to show them how serious you were.

"Y/N you can't be serious. I'm his friend, his best friend and Mary."

"And again Mary fucking shot him. John, I am being 100% serious, get out and don't come back or I swear to God I will tell the police that your wife is the one who shot him in the first place." You warned. The look in your eyes told him that you were not kidding.

"Y/N please, this wasn't supposed to happen. We are all friends." Mary tried to talk to you but you didn't wanna hear it.

"We are not friends and after this we never will be. He is my fiance, I love him. His life obviously didn't mean much to you but it means everything to me and you tried to take him from me. I can't forgive you for that! Now get out!" John looked at Sherlock for assistance.

"I'm sorry John but right now she has the high ground. She can out you to the nurse and the police and I'm sure Mycroft will help her do so. We'll talk after I'm out of here next week." He assured his friend.

"Fine, Mary we're leaving." Mary sighed and left with her husband and you sat next to Sherlock.

"You can't stay mad at them forever." Sherlock said, once they were gone.

"Oh yes I can. She shot you, you could have died. What part of that don't you understand? They are supposed to be your friends. How can you be so okay with this?" You bit back.

"I understand why she did it."

"It was selfish, all she cares about is herself. That's something you and John need to understand. If she cared about you or John she never would have pulled that trigger!"

"Enough!" Sherlock yelled. "She didn't mean for things to go this far."

"But it did!" You yelled back.

"Yes and you need to accept that. John and Mary are part of our lives."

"No, they are part of your life. John can be part of mine but Mary never will. If I had my way she wouldn't be part of your life either. I want to go to the police."

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