You Repel Me (Sherlock)

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"Sherlock I mean honestly! Just one day that’s all I asked just one!” You yelled at your boyfriend after leaving you once again to go out on a case. 

“It is not my fault Lestrade found a case that needed my immediate attention. I am a consulting detective Y/N this is what I do.” He replied a little too calmly for your liking. 

“I understand that Sherlock and I understand that this case needed your full and immediate attention but not all of them do. Not every case needs to be dealt with right at that moment.
Sometimes cases can wait. You always have the option to say no and yet for some reason you agree to take every single case Lestrade has given you. Even the ones you solve in a day then complain that they were too simple to solve. You have been taking anything that has been thrown at you and I just don’t understand it.”

“Y/N I don’t know what to tell you. I solve cases, that's what I do. I thought that was fairly obvious when we first started this whole relationship.”

“Sherlock I beg and plead for us to spend time together but you can never pull yourself away from work long enough for us to do anything. I’m not asking for a lot, I’m just asking that you take time out of your detectiving to spend some time with me. One day a week or every two weeks. I’m not asking for much just a day where we can go out on a date or out to dinner, anything. I don’t want the only time I see you to be when you’re sitting in this apartment where you’re surrounded by work and severed body parts!” You yelled. 

“I experiment, it's part of what I do.” He replied annoyingly calmly.

“Yeah well they’re repulsive. I shouldn't be opening the fridge to find loose body parts like I’m dating Dr Frankenstien!” You fumed. You were tired of Sherlock being so calm while you lashed out. You understood he doesn’t always get it but he has to catch on at some point. He’s a genius after all, the famous Sherlock Holmes. 

“Well you repel me!” He finally yelled back. 

“If I’m so repulsive why are you even with me?” 

“I’ve been asking myself the same thing.” 

“You know what, fine, fine then I guess I’ll just go. Obviously being in a relationship is too hard for you.” You grabbed your phone off the table and started walking to the closet to get your coat.

 “You know, when John left and got married you whined that you didn’t like that he was gone. That things were going to change then you asked me to move in. Now I see that you only wanted me to move in so you wouldn’t be alone. So you would have someone to hand you your phone when it's 4 inches away from you. Or when you need someone to talk to so you don’t look crazy. This was never about you wanting to spend more time with me, or loving me. God I was so stupid to think you would know how to actually love someone. You couldn’t even make time for me before we moved in together and that’s supposed to be the honeymoon period of a relationship. I should have known it was only going to get worse once I moved in. I mean for god sakes we live in the same apartment and I still hardly see you! All I want, Sherlock, is to spend some time with you. I just want to be like normal couples for once! I want to go to dinner then go to the movies where we can sit in the back of the theater, maybe cuddle up and kiss like teenagers. Would it kill you to do something romantic once and a while just to show you actually care?! For Fucks sake Sherlock we wouldn’t even have to leave the apartment for me to be happy. Order takeaway, light some candles that would be more than enough for me. I don’t need all the fancy things. I don’t want expensive dinners or fancy jewelry, all I want is you.” He continued to just stand there looking indifferent to everything you’ve been saying to him. 

“I don’t know why I’m wasting my breath… I don’t think you’ll ever be able to give yourself to anyone. The sad thing is I know you want to. I know you don’t want to be alone but if you continue down this path that’s exactly where you’re going to end up. Alone… I love you Sherlock, I really truly do. With every piece of my heart. I honestly don’t think that I will ever love anyone the way I love you but I can’t do this. This one sided relationship, I feel like I’m the only one trying to make it work. The only one who cares and it’s killing me.. Wondering why I’m not enough. Searching the internet for ways to make you love me the way I love you just to come up with no answers. It breaks my heart.” You held your head back trying to keep the tears from falling but you couldn’t. You gave him one last glance then opened the closet, taking out your coat. 

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