Tattoo (Sherlock)

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You met your boyfriend of 3 months through your older brother John. You had come to visit him on his birthday but when you got to his place you realized he lived not far from the flat you just bought after you moved back home from America. It was maybe a 15 minute walk from your place to his. You spent some time with John at the Apartment before his roommate came home from wherever he was.  John and you had decided to go out to dinner for his birthday then you would make dessert at their apartment. His roommate Sherlock joined you for dinner. At first he came off as very snooty and self centered and a little anti-social but after a while he started to open up and talk when you asked John about his job.  

John was telling you about a lot of different cases and Sherlock would chime in and tell you how he cracked the case. He was actually really funny whether he was trying to be or not his confidence and brains turned you on. Eventually he did ask you what you did for a living. You told him you were a police officer in America which sparked his interest. 

“John, why did you not tell me your sister was an officer, we could have used her I’m sure.”  Sherlock scolded your brother.

“Because Sherlock, she lived in America I wasn’t going to have her fly in to help us with a case on her days off. Besides she was just offered a detective job here that’s why she transferred.”  John explained.

“A fellow detective, so what’s your first case?” 

“I’m not sure yet I start tomorrow. Hopefully I don’t put you boys out of business.” You teased. 

“No I don’t believe you will but we will enjoy cleaning up your messes. Fingers crossed we get to work some cases with you.”  Sherlock smirked. 

That's how you met. You worked a case together only a couple weeks after that. Once you started at the detectives division all they had you doing was paperwork and coffee runs. You got annoyed rather quickly and went to John and Sherlocks flat to vent one night.

“Why don’t you come work a case with us? If they see how good you are, maybe they’ll put you on more cases instead of using you for useless tasks like some kind of glorified intern.”  Sherlock suggested which baffled John.

“I’d like that.”  You smiled at the very charming man. John rolled his eyes.


A few weeks later you were still working with John and Sherlock. The detective division decided you three worked best together and could solves cases at a faster rate than John and Sherlock could alone. Normally Sherlock would come up with an excuse so it looked like you weren’t much of a help. That’s what he would have normally done with someone who wasn’t you so when he agreed you were a great asset to him and John’s team John again was speechless. John eventually realized that his best friend was infatuated with his little sister.

“Can you stop hitting on my sister like I’m not in the room?”  John complained the moment you were out of earshot.

“What? Hitting on. I haven’t laid a hand on her!” He looked offended. “I’m not a woman beater John!” John held his temples in annoyance.

“Hitting on means the same as flirting, Sherlock. You are flirting with my sister.” John explained.

“I am not. I’m just treating her the way a lady such as herself should be treated.”  Sherlock insisted. 

“A lady such as herself? She’s my little sister, a brat. Plus you don’t treat any other woman the way you treat her so what makes her so special other than the fact that you like her.”  John huffed.

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