I want a Baby (Dr Strange)

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You have been with your husband Dr Stephen Strange since he was a neurosurgeon. The best neurosurgeon in the country. After the accident that left Stephens hands unable to perform surgeries you had helped him look for ways his hands could be fixed. At first you wanted to do anything you could to help the man you loved but as he went through more money just for the surgeries not to work you started to get worried. Yes you worked yourself but you didn’t make anywhere near the amount of money Stephen made. You wanted him to be happy, you wanted him to have his hands back because that is what he wanted but soon you ran out of funds. 

Your relationship started to suffer as a result. You did your best to be patient with him because you knew he lost a lot but you couldn’t keep pretending that his little outbursts weren’t hurting you. You had done everything you could for him and you reminded him of that. He realized how terrible he had been to you and apologized many times.  

There was one more thing he could try. Going to Tibet to this place called Kamar Taj. It would use up the last of your money but at this point what did you have to lose. That little bit of money wouldn’t bring you anything. So you agreed and went with your then fiance, now husband to Kamar Taj. That’s where superhero Dr Strange was born. 

Stephen has been practicing magic now for a couple years. You still had a job and worked 4 days a week, you lived in the New York Sanctum which is nice. It’s big and it has all the books and other things Stephen needed to excel at his magic but something seemed to be missing.  You knew what it was but you were afraid to talk to Stephen about it. You had no idea what his thoughts on the subject were because it has never come up before. However the more you thought about it the more you realized you wanted a baby. A little version of yourself of Stephen. In an ideal world you would have a boy but you would love the child no matter what the gender was. You wanted someone to hold and teach, love and cherish other than your husband. He was often gone and you didn’t hold it against him but you wanted someone to be home when he couldn’t. Someone to love endlessly like you loved your husband. Having a baby with him is like being able to hold a piece of your love. The more you thought about it the more you craved it. Every time you saw a little family out on the streets of New York or a baby at the store you felt your heart swell. The final straw was when you saw a brother and sister due no older than 4 and 2 playing at the park on your way to work. You decided that day that you would talk to Stephen about trying for a baby.

It was a few days later and Stephen was studying in the Sanctums library. He had been in there since the early hours of the morning when he woke up. That was around 6am and he hadn't come out and it was now just after 1pm. You decided to make him a sandwich and a glass of coca-cola so he would at least eat while he finished his studying.  Knocking on the door you let yourself in when there was no response. Stephen often got lost in his studies and could hardly hear anything. Walking over to him without a word you took the book off the desk and slid the tray with his food and drink in front of him.  

“What’s all this darling?” He scrunched his face in confusion.

“That is food, you know one of the things you need to survive.” You smirked. He rolled his eyes but chuckled under his breath.

“Yes I can see that but isn’t it a bit early for lunch?”  

“Baby, it’s past 1pm.” He looked at his watch in shock. Was it already that late?

“I didn’t even realize. Why don’t you sit with me and we can split this then I’ll be yours the rest of the day.” He suggested using his magic to slice the sandwich in half.  

“I made that for you, you must be hungry by now.” You pulled a chair up to sit beside him.  

“There’s enough, besides I don’t want to spoil my appetite for dinner.”  He pushed the plate over so it was between the two of you.  You smiled and you both shared his lunch.  You two were just sitting and talking about stupid things, nothing really important. You decided now was just as good a time as any to talk to him about the baby situation.  

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