Fear (Dr Strange)

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You had been with Wong since Stephen had vanished with America through the portal to what you imagined was another universe. You were worried sick but too occupied with Wanda dragging both you and Wong to Wandacor in an attempt to find the spells that were lost when the dark hold was destroyed. 

You were by no means an Avenger but you had worked with the team on missions before when Stephen insisted he was too busy to help so you and Wanda knew each other well. You could ever say that you were friends but that all seemed to be forgotten now that Wanda had it in her head that she needed to drain America’s powers. You didn’t recognize the person in front of you. 

She had thrown Wong off the side of the cliff. You ran to the side of the cliff in an attempt to catch him, save him, anything but you were too late. By the time you had gotten there he was nowhere to be seen, he was most likely dead on a pile of rocks somewhere down there. You took a deep breath in grief, fear and anger then marched back inside.  

“What is wrong with you! This is not the Wanda I remember.” You screamed at her.

“I am a mother, trying to get to my children.” She replied calmly, only adding fuel to your fire.  

“You are no mother! You don’t have children! What happened to you was wrong and I understand that it hurt you. I know the pain. I know how it feels to lose the people who mean the most to you but this won’t make it right. Please Wanda, so many people have been hurt already. No one else has to be. That young girl is scared out of her mind.” You pointed to America who was shaking on the altar. “I know you know what it’s like to be in her shoes, you said it yourself. You know what it’s like to be young and hunted for powers you never wanted. You're doing to her the same thing that was done to you. If you continue this you’ve become no better than them.” You tried to reason with her. 

“I am NOTHING like them!” 

“Yes you are. Hunting down a child, trying to steal her powers knowing damn well it will kill her. Even when Stephen tried to reason with you, you didn’t want to hear it. Did it ever occur to you that maybe in this universe you were meant to find someone different? Just because you can’t have the family you imagined doesn’t mean you can’t have a family at all.” 

“They are my family, I will not replace them.”  

“This isn’t what Vision would have wanted! He would have wanted you to find happiness the right way! In a way that wouldn’t hurt a child, or risk destroying two universes. You are being selfish!... What would Pierto think, if he saw you now?”  

“ENOUGH!” With a wave of her hand you went flying across the temple hitting the wall. You heard your shoulder collide with the stone walls and something got knocked out of place making you scream. The pain knocked you out for a moment but when you opened your eyes you saw something dark flying towards the temple. 

You tried to focus your eyes on whatever was coming towards you but your vision was going in and out of focus. You thought you were hallucinating when you saw Wong climbing over the edge of the mountain. He rushed over to you when he saw you laying on the floor. 

“You’re alive?”  

“No time to explain.” He huffed, just as much done with this week as you are. 

“Wong, I miss Stephen.” You complained. 

“Looks like he heard your pleas and came to your rescue.” Wong pointed to the dark thing coming towards you. 

That didn’t seem like Stephen; he never wore black. As it got closer you realized something wasn’t right. He landed on the edge of the temple and when you saw him you went into complete shock. You knew it was your Stephen but inside the rotting body of another Stephen, the one he had dreamt about. He was dreamwalking. 

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