Khan (pt.2)

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You woke up clenching your head with a pounding headache. Looking around the room you didn’t see Khan anywhere, nor did you see your gun. You started to panic, he knew what they did to his people. You had no idea how he knew, but he did and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to avenge them. Panic set in as you ran through the halls of the Enterprise. People laid unconscious all over the halls as you made your way to the command area. 

“My people are dead, my crew is dead. You killed them!” Khan screamed as he held a gun to Kirk’s head. 

“We did what we had to do.” Kirk answered plainly. 

“You killed every last person I hold most dear. I will kill every last one of you for that.”  Kirk let out a groan when Khan hit him in the back of the head with the butt of the gun. 

“You call yourselves hero’s, the good guys. But you killed over 80 people. 80 defenseless people.. My people. Why should any of you be allowed to live after what you’ve done.”  

“You killed hundreds of people, Khan.”  Spock had the courage to chim in. 

“I did it to get the people I loved to safety. You killed all those people for no reason. Don’t try to make me out to be the villain here. I am a savage but only when I have to be. Only when it’s for a good cause. You people make yourselves out to be civilized but you are more barbaric than most. And to make it worse you make excuses for it. I own up to what I have done.”  Khan spat.  

“Your crew was a threat.” Bones added.

“Inside sleeping chambers you still considered them threats? That says more about your crew than it does mine Dr.” Khan chuckled. “How many of you voted to send my crew off to a wasteland? I will attempt to be as civil as you all pretend to be by only killing the ones who voted yes.”  

You were listening behind the wall. He must have snuck into the command center that day you were all talking. He must have heard you say you voted not to send his crew away. That’s why he didn’t kill you.  

“No one raises their hand, interesting. So I take it Y/N is the only one who stood up for my people. Well, looks like she will be the only one leaving here alive.” 

“Khan stop!” You yelled, turning the corner and making your presence known.  “Khan please, please stop this. I know what they did was wrong but you don’t have to do this.”  You begged.

“An eye for an eye.” He started.

“Will make the whole world blind.” You finished. “Don’t stoop to their level. I didn’t agree with them but I can’t agree with this either. Be better than them, you always say you are better so be better. Show them you are better by showing more mercy then they ever could.”  

“They took EVERYTHING FROM ME!” He shouted, a single tear dripping from his eyes. “I have nothing left.”  

“That’s not true.”  You walked up to him cautiously. Once you realized he wouldn’t hurt you you slowly took the gun from his grasp but stood in front of him so no one could hurt him.  “You have me. I’m not going anywhere.” 

Bones tried to grab Khan from behind but Khan punched him hard making him fall to the floor then grabbed his head like he did Marcus’. 

“Khan, I love you!” You yelled. He froze, his face fell and he let go of Bones. Standing fast and turning to you with a look you could not read. 

“Do not lie to me. Not you.” He fumed. 

“I’m not lying. You have shown me who you really are these past weeks. You showed me that you can be kind and gentle. That you love fiercely and will do anything to protect the people you care about. I know you’re angry, I know you’re hurt and you have every right to be. What they did to you and your crew was wrong. But I promise you will not be alone.” 

“I will not stay on this ship with the people who murdered my family.”  

“I know. I will go with you, no matter where you decide to go. We’ll go together.” You grabbed his hands and held them between your bodies. “I trust you.” You whispered. 

“Y/N, you know this isn’t right. You know what he’s done.”  Kirk spoke.

“Yes, but I also know what we’ve done. Khan is right, what we’ve done isn’t any better than what he’s done.” Khan put his arm around your waist and you huddled closer to his shoulder, putting your hand on his chest. 

“I told you all it was wrong and none of you agreed with me. I hate what we did, I hate that none of you would listen to me, I hate that I feel like I’m not part of this crew most of the time. Khan’s crew deserved better, Khan deserved better and so do I…. Kirk, Khan saved your life and no one, not even you ever said so much as thank you. Maybe things would have been different if you all had treated him like a human being rather than as an outcast. None of you got to know him, I did and he is a great man and I love him for all that he is.”  You smiled up at him, caressing the side of his face with your finger tips.  

“We’re leaving, you won’t have to deal with either of us anymore. We won’t bother you if you don’t bother us. Just let Khan live out the rest of his life the way he wants.” 

“Just beam us down to Earth. We’ll decide together where we go from there.” Khan added. 

“Scotty.” Kirk looked at the boy with a nod. 

“You’re not actually going to let them go are you?” Bones scoffed.

“They’re right. We have both done terrible things. Khan deserves to be given another chance, if he messes it up at least it won’t be on my ship.”  Kirk explained. “Beam them down to Earth Scotty.” 

“But sir.”


“Yes sir.”  Scotty said in defeat. 

“You guys mean a lot to me. But I need to do what I believe is right.” You told them.  

“We know Y/N, we’ll miss you.”  Kirk smiled at you. 

Khan held you close to him and waited. Scotty beamed you both down to Earth as he was told. When you and Khan gained your footing he wrapped his arms around your waist and you put your arms around his neck. You finally saw him smile from ear to ear. His blue eyes lit up and his cheek wrinkled from how hard he was smiling. 

“You did all this for me.” He mumbled. 

“All for you.”  You replied, putting your head on his chest. 

“I love you too Y/N.” He finally told you.  

“I’m glad. We have some things we need to talk about then.”  He chuckled, knowing what you were going to say.

“I am able to have children.” He assured you.  

“And what is your stance on marriage?” You asked, teasingly. 

“I do not need a piece of paper to show that I love you but it is something physical that shows you are mine. I will take you to the courthouse right now and wed you so everyone will know you're mine.” 

“I would have no problem with that. But let’s not rush. Khan for the first time in centuries you have all the time in the world to live and make decisions. Let’s explore, take our time, let’s live then in a year or so we can settle down and have as many children as you want.” 

“I like the sound of that.” He agreed. He cupped your face with his hands and placed a firm but gentle kiss to your lips. 

“I’m glad I met you.”  You said as you broke the kiss.

“Me too. Being frozen for so long has so many downsides but waking up in a time that you exist in outweighs all of them."

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