Mycrofts Bestfriend

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You met your boyfriend of almost a years through his older brother Mycroft. Mycroft and you work together doing well, no one really knows what you two do and you aren’t allowed to tell which Sherlock and the other's respect. Most the time

You and Mycroft were close, you were basically partners at work, others always said you were the office married couple. you spent all day together and oftentimes went to each other's houses after work for drinks. It was safe to say that Mycroft Holmes was your best friend and as much as he hated caring he cared deeply for you. So when his little brother started seeing you romantically then bringing you with him on cases Mycroft was worried and annoyed at the fact he was worried.  And even more annoyed that Sherlock was seeing you.

“Sherlock if anything happens to her I swear I will have you locked away somewhere no one will find you do you understand.” Mycroft threatened when Sherlock took you out on your first case. 

“Mycroft, she is my girlfriend. Do you honestly think I’m any less worried about her safety than you are? I will not let anything happen to her, you have my word.” Sherlock assured his brother. 

The two brothers were sort of close in their own weird way but they had gotten closer since you started seeing Sherlock. You’d invite Sherlock to have drinks at your house with Mycroft and you would cook the two boys dinner on days that Sherlock didn’t have a case. Some nights you could convince them to go out to a bar or a restaurant instead of staying in. It wasn’t often but when you really wanted to go out the boys would go with you.  

Tonight was one of those nights. Sherlock had finished a case and Mycroft wasn’t doing anything so you called him and begged him to come out with you tonight. It had been months since you’ve gone anywhere fun and you really wanted to go. After some persuasion he agreed and so did Sherlock and John. Even Greg came. You loved getting them all together. 

You all met at the restaurant and found a high top that could accommodate you all. You had dinner and drank. After a little while you and Greg went outside to smoke much to Mycroft and Sherlock's annoyance. They hated that you smoked since they knew it was bad for your health and they were both trying to quit. More Sherlock than Mycroft. John had gone to use the restroom and Mycroft used this opportunity to tell his brother something he’d been neglecting to tell him.

“Thank you.” Mycroft broke their silence. 

“For what?” Sherlock asked.  

“For making her so happy. You know how close we are. It's nice to see the two people I care about making each other so happy. I’m glad she has you. I don’t think I’d ever approve of her seeing anyone else.”  

“Well, I’m glad I meet your standards.” Sherlock smirked. John came back to the table and sat down and ordered another drink and Greg returned not long after.

“Where’s Y/N?” Mycroft asked almost immediately. 

“She wanted to stay out for a minute, said she was getting hot in here.” Greg told them.

“Where’s the man in the green and white striped shirt?” Mycroft asked Sherlock. They both looked around but couldn’t spot him.

“Who?” John asked.

“Man about 40 years old wearing a green and white striped polo and khaki pants. He’s been staring at Y/N since we arrived.” Sherlock clarified.  

“I think he went outside.” Greg replied. 

Sherlock and Mycroft were up and running before anyone could say another word. They both ran outside and saw you struggling with the man against the side of the building. His one hand was over your mouth holding your head firmly against the rough wall and his other hand was down your pants. You were thrashing trying to get away but he had slammed the back of your head against the wall which had a rough texture almost like little cement spikes on it which pierced the back of your head and surely gave you a concussion. 

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