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Tae entered inside the Kim mansion fuming in anger....his hyung's looked at him with confused face....

"What happened tae"Joon asked but got no reply as tae just walked upstairs and shut his room's door with a loud thud....

"Idiot....dumb....no no ....the biggest idiot to ever exist.....aaaahhhhhh.....relax...tae relax.....*ring ring* now who is this ....hello"tae spoke as he picked the call....

"Woh woh....calm down what happened angry bird"the other person spoke....

"Don't anger my fuel gyu....just say why you called"tae spoke as he sat on bed taking deep breaths.....

"Aah I was thinking to come over so just called to ask if you returned from your hyung's house"beomgyu asked....

"Yeah....come over....I have something to tell you"tae spoke as other hummed and cut the call....


1 hour later.....

"Hahahaha....oh my god...."gyu laughed rolling over tae's bed as tae was narrating the who stuff what happened when he was returning from yoongi's house.....

"What are finding so funny in this"tae asked with a raised eyebrow......

"Huh....funny the way you are explaining that person....is way too much funny.....'that handsome bunny faced human stood Infront of my car and stared at me without blinking.....if his doe eyes wasn't looking cute I would have poked his eyes....'.....like really...are you admiring him or are angry on him"gyu asked making tae glare at him.....

"What...even if he is dumb we can't just ignore the fact he was truly handsome....."tae spoke as he pushed gyu and laid on the bed .......

"Ohhhh....does my taetae like that bunny faced man hmmm"gyu asked poking tae's stomach.....

"No....even if he is handsome....I will never like him....with that handsome face he should also have a brain....which I suspect he don't have...so there is no chance I will like him...."tae spoke....

Gyu just nodded thinking what will happen when tae will really fall for that bunny faced human.....


2 days later....

Kook has been finding about the blue berry eyes boy from last 2 days.....and now he knew everything about him...his name birth date, favorite food, color his nick name,his phone number ,his address and about his cousin brother min yoongi and about his sibling Kim namjoon.....

He smiled as he parked his car in the parking area of the mall tae was in....

He walked to the clothes section where he knew tae was doing shopping....he squealed like a teen age girl when he saw tae looking through some clothes....

(I am still in daze if he is mafia king or not).....

He walked towards tae and tapped on his shoulder....

"Hiii"kook spoke smiling softly...

"Huh.... wait.... aren't you the one who came Infront of my car that day"tae asked pointing his finger at kook who nodded his head....

"I am here to tell you that I love you"kook spoke with the widest bunny smile on his face....

"Oh...and I don't care"tae spoke as he pushed his cart going towards the other side ....kook frowned and followed other.....

"Hey...I am confessing my feelings for you "kook spoke walking next to tae....

"And I am confession mine"tae spoke with a shrug

"Taeeeeee..... don't be like this.....I really really love you"kook spoke whining like a child .. making tae sign.... beomgyu who was on the other section came to tae and saw a person Infront of him whinning....he stepped closer towards tae and gasped dramatically.....

"Tae... isn't he the same handsome bunny faced person you were talking about"gyu asked pointing at kook who looked at tae while wiggling his eyebrows.....

"Shut up gyu"tae spoke as he glared at gyu who shut his mouth.....

"So you found me handsome....hmmm I see..."kook spoke with a smug face.....

"No I don't"tae spoke but gritted his teeths when gyu jumped in and nodded his head....

"He said you are handsome"gyu spoke....

"Aahhh....that means there is a chance you will like me back....may be love me toooo...."kook spoke smiling like a fool....

"Dream on....I have too much drama going in my life ....I don't want more"tae spoke as he started to walk gyu following him but they stopped in their track when they heard what kook said....

"I can help you to solve the issues your brothers are having"kook spoke with a confident face....

Tae looked behind and said."how..."he asked folding his hands on his chest....

"You will know that only if you will agree being friends with me"kook spoke making tae sign....

"It's ok I will deal with it alone"he said as he turned but than looked at kook who panicked a little

"Taeeee....why are you being like this....be his friend naaa"gyu spoke seeing kook's sulking face.....

"I will think about it...."tae spoke as he walked away leaving a smiling kook .....but he smiled turned into a poker face when he saw tae and gyu were no longer around him.....he put the mask and walked towards his car.... going to his basement.....


He smirked as he saw the person shivering in fear seeing him.....

"Hmmm....I see you are scared of me now.....but didn't you thought you have to face me when you tried to spy on my gang...."kook spoke titling his head looking straight in other person's eyes with the evil smirk on his face....

The person screamed as kook twisted the knife that was digged in his lap....

"Awww...are you feeling pain....but you know what you deserve this pain.....no one can spy on jeon Jungkook....."kook spoke as he roasted the knife 460nwith was in others lap.....

"Wip him till all his blood is out from his body....and send his body to his boss....he should know how he will end if he try to spy on us after this.....and wait....give me my cutter"kook spoke and the person started to shaking his head furiously when kook asked his people to remove the shirt of the spy.....

The basement was filled with the person's scream as kook carved jk on that's spy's chest with his cutter.....

He walked out of the basement with the satisfied smirk cleaning his hands with a towel.....


To be continue......

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss......


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