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3 days later....

Tae was on his way to kook's company....why you will know soon....he stepped out from his car as he looked at the big letters hanging on the top of the building....

'JEON'S MANAGEMENT'....Tae read the letters....and started to walk inside the building.... everyone who looked at him were awestruck with his beauty....they all were frozen on their place admiring the person walking in so elegantly.....

Tae was walking like he own the world....his face was raised....face full of confidence and was walking like he was on ramp....he didn't gave a damn to anyone as he walked to the elevator.....

He knew which floor kook's cabin was thanks to yoongi....he had already asked yoongi the address and floor number of kook ....he didn't told kook that he is coming because he wanted to surprise other.....

As he stepped inside the elevator he pressed the top floor button and waited for the elevator to start but before the door can close a woman walked inside and stood next to tae.....tae glanced at the lady who was wearing a not too short....not too long one piece outfit...

It was a little deep neck which made her chest to be seen a little....she had too strong perfume which made tae to chruch his nose because of that strong smell....

As the elevator was moving she pull out a red lipstick from her purse and applied it on her lips perfectly looking in the mirror that was in elevator.....

Tae didn't bother to speak anything to her....the elevator stopped at the top floor where both of them stepped out together....that woman glanced at tae and rolled her eyes... before walking in the empty corridor where there was no one as the whole floor was specially for the CEO...

Tae just shrugged and walked in the corridor as yoongi told him....he almost rolled his eyes when he saw the same lady standing outside the ceo's cabin door near his secretary's desk....it looked like she was arguing on something....

Tae really had a good mood and wasn't planning to spoil that....he stood beside her as hobi immediately diverted his attention to tae ....

"Is kook inside"tae asked with a polite tone....

"Yeah he is"hobi spoke...tae hummed and nodded...

"Have a nice day"hobi spoke with his sunshine smile....

"Same to you"tae spoke with a soft smile before walking towards the door pushing it without even knocking.....when he have the right to open the door like that.....

"Why you let him inside....and that too without knocking"the woman spoke making hobi to roll his eyes...

"Ms...he is special"hobi spoke in a stern tone...

"Huh....he can't be more special than me....I am the lee Sana....the only daughter of lee's fashion ceo...."the woman name sana(no offense to the person who has the similar name)..spoke with attitude....

"Whatever you are it doesn't concern me....I only know that you can't go inside until Mr jeon will allow me to send you in"hobi spoke as she started the argument again.....


Kook who was working on something in his laptop snapped his head towards the door which was opened without knocking...he had a cold face....but that face turned soft and a wide bunny smile spread when he saw who entered inside.....

"Sweet heart....from where did the sun rise that I got so lucky to have you here"kook spoke cheerfully as he stood up walking towards tae who shook his head ...

Kook hugged tae wrapping his arms around tae's waist and shoulder....while tae's returned the hug by wrapping his arms around kook's torso....

"I thought why not bless my pleasent by my presence today...so I came"tae spoke after they backed away....

"Uwu....my highness is so kind hearted ..that he came to meet a pleasent....what can I do for you my highness"kook spoke as he bowed Infront of tae dramatically.....

"Hmmm...how about let's go and have lunch together"tae asked after thinking for a while....

"Ah huh....your wish is my command....let me close the laptop and we can leave"kook spoke as tae waved his hand asking him to go .....

Kook chuckled and was about to walk back to close his laptop but glanced at the door which was harshly pushed my none other than lee Sana.....

Kook glared at the girl who was smiling at him....a seducive smile .....how she entered hobi tried to stop her but she pushed him and get inside.....

"Who are you?and how you get inside without my permission"kook asked in his cold voice....and tae swear he never found anyone so hot like he was finding kook now....

"Jungkookieeeee....I am sana....your soon to be fiance"Sana spoke.....

Tae giggled hearing her which was not what kook thought he will hear after what Sana said....while Sana was getting pissed as she heard tae giggling....

"You are what...fiance...hahaha"tae burst out as his giggles turned into loud laughs.....

"Huh... what's so funny in that"Sana asked glaring at him....

"How can you be his fiance....when I am his love and boyfriend"tae spoke with a smirk as he stopped laughing.....

Sana looked shocked hearing this...while kook was feeling several kinds of feelings....he was too happy as he heard tae calling himself s kook's boyfriend and love ....and he was proud that tae didn't believed this nonsense....while his third feeling was anger....he was angry on this girl who almost runied his perfect relationship with his sweet heart.... that's lucky of him that tae didn't believe in her.....

And he was sure that this Sana or whatever this girl's name is....will be in hell....I mean she will be dead soon.....


To be continue.....

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss......


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