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Evening at dinning table.....

Kook was continuesly staring at tae which made him confuse....he glanced at kook and immediately looked back on eating when kook winked at him.....

Kook chuckled getting tae's reaction....tae smiled mischievously as an idea popped in his head....he slowly pushed the fork that was near his hand

Which made the fork to fall on the floor...he bend down looked at jin who was sitting next to his chair....he signed in relief when he saw Jin was too busy eating his food...he slowly crawled under the table and slapped kook's inner thigh making sure to not create any sound....

Kook gasped when he felt the slap...he looked down but tae was already back to his chair and sat on with an innocent face....kook looked at tae raising his eyebrows....but tae just shrugged and started to eat his food....while kook just rubbed his thigh which was hurting.....

"Oh by the way how was the meeting kookie"tae asked the nickname automatically slipping from his tongue....

"That was great yoongi hyung is a very good person"kook spoke glancing at Joon...who stopped moving his spoon ....but signed and again started to eat....

"What do you mean by that"tae asked to kook....

"I mean he is so nice...I agree with you even tho he looks cold he is very soft hearted....you know he even  said how he miss you all"kook spoke as he and tae again looked at Joon....

"Ohh he said this...."tae asked ....

"Yeah he said he miss having his meals all together...miss how he used to get scoldings for Jin hyung on sleeping whole day....and he said he misses how he used to go to gym with joonie hyung"kook spoke....

"I know I also miss staying with him...you know Joon and yoongi hyung used to play so many games together special foot volleyball and Jin and jiminie hyung used to play as a team....and I was always asked to cheer for them....that was so good"tae spoke remembering all their old memories....

Jin signed when he saw how fastly Joon ate his food....he even noticed how kook and tae was motioning each other something liking talking with eyes....

He knew this two are up to something and he might guess what it is..."I am done...good night"Joon spoke as he walked to his room....

Jin finshed his food too and followed Joon....taekook signed as they didn't knew if their plan worked or not....tae took his and namjin's plate going to the kitchen to do the dishes....

Kook followed him to help him....both just washed the dishes on silence....both were thinking something but both had different thoughts...

'there is definitely something.....why do I feel like this two are hiding something from everyone'kook thought....

'kookie is helping me so much....I should complete my promise of going on date with him' tae thought....


Tae was currently in his bathroom taking shower....when he was done he wore his night suite and walked out of his ....and immediately rolled his eyes when he saw kook was sitting on his bed smiling at him....

"What brings you here right now"tae asked as he walked to the dressing tables plugging the hair dryer to dry his hairs....

"Nothing just wanted to admire an angel"kook spoke looking at tae through mirror...even tho tae was about to blush but him being him smirked...

"Oh is see humans are here to admire me"tae said with a proud grin....and who was kook to decline....

"Well of course who won't want to admire such a beauty"kook spoke looking at tae from head to toe....

"Done admiring..."tae asked as he stood Infront of kook.... crossing his hands on his chest....

Kook shook his head still staring at tae...."how long you are going to admire me"tae asked titling his head looking more adorable.....

"For my whole life"kook spoke with a dreamy smile....heat rushed from tae's neck to his cheeks.... turning them pink...

"Such an old thug you are"tae spoke roll6his eyes trying to look annoyed but his face was speaking something else....

"I ain't an old thug sweet heart... it's called flirting"kook spoke ....

"Ok...now what will you take to leave the room "tae asked...

"How about a kiss"kook spoke pointing at his cheeks....

"Don't you think you are being too straight forward"tae asked...

"No...if I would have been too straight forward I would have asked the kiss here"kook spoke pouting his lips and pointing at them....

"But I am being a good boyfriend....so fast give me a kiss quick"kook spoke standing near tae...

"Wait from when you became my bOYfrIeNd "tae asked raising an eyebrow....

"Ok you are not yet...but you will be in future....come on sweet heart but if you want you can not kiss my cheek I don't mind staying here tonight"kook spoke looking around but froze on his spot when he felt a pair of lips on his cheeks....

His ears turned red as tae put his lips on kook's cheeks for more than 3 seconds....he noticed other's red ears and thought to drop the bomb....

He started to push kook who was smiling like a fool...and wasn't minding tae pushing him....

"By the way decided a good place for Tomorrow....I don't want my first date to get runied ...good night"tae spoke when kook was out of his room and slammed the door shut before kook can say something....

While kook stood there trying to process what just happened....and when he finally understood that tae has asked him to decide a place for a date...and that to for tomorrow....he jumped on his place... squealing like a teenage girl who got a compliment from her crush....

He thanked god as he rushed to his room to ask hobi to do all the arrangements for his and his love's first date.....


To be continue....

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss.....


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