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Jeon mansion....

Kook was settled on the couch looking like a king....it was a monthly meeting that is held every month were kook check if everything was perfect through out the month or not....

The jjk's main members were all standing surrounding kook who had a file in his hands...Lisa and hobi were standing behind him checking the files as well....

Kook took out his phone which started to vibrate in his pocket...even tho he had a cold face Because everyone was present there ...his lips curled upwards when he saw his sweet heart's name displaying on the screen...

"Hel-"he got cut off by tae's stern voice...

"Send me your address"tae spoke from the other side....kook hadn't told anyone his address yet because he was staying in Kim's mansion till now....kook became confused....

"Huh?"he asked...others looked at him with confused face but didn't said anything....

"I. Said. Send. Me. Your. Address."tae spoke pressuring every word....

"Yes I will send"kook spoke and looked at his phone because it got disconnected....he immediately send tae his address and get back to his work....

10 minutes later....

Hobi's phone ring...he frowned when he saw it was the security number that stays outside of their mansion....

"Yes"hobi asked...

"Sir there is a boy who says he wants to go inside and he know me jeon too"hobi heard from the security guard ....

"Kook was someone coming "hobi asked...

"Oh yes... sweet heart was coming...ask him to let tae in"kook spoke making other more confuse hearing the heartless mafia calling some with a sweet nick name...

Hobi asked to guard to let tae in....and everyone in the mansion flinched as the deep voice ringed in the living room....

"JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK"tae shouted as he walked inside with red face...but the question was...this face was red Because of anger ....or something else....

It will be an understatement if we say everyone were terrified.... because no one....no one in this world can take kook's the heart less mafia's full name and here a person just put a curse and shouted kook's name....

Now they were just praying that the person will have a less painfull death....hobi was confused so he thought to ask....

Tae who entered inside fuming in anger was about to shout more but stopped as he saw there were many people in the living room.....he took a deep breath....

"Tae....what are you-"hobi tried to ask but tae cut him off....as he glared at kook who was looking too calm making all the members even more terrified... Because him being calm means a Strom is coming.....

"You"tae spoke as he pointed his index finger towards kook"follow me..."tae spoke as he turned around ready to go to a quite place where won't be any one....

Others were expecting a gun shot but they all froze as their boss chuckled at the fuming angel....hobi shook his head knowing this person has did something and seem to be proud of his deeds....

"Kook what you did...."hobi asked as he saw kook standing up ...

"Nothing much....just triggered something in him I guess....and he got to know that tooo"kook spoke trying his best to smile widely....

"Why do you like to piss him "hobi spoke with a sigh....

"You won't understand hyung....he looks more cute with that pissed face....you know he look like an angry puppy"kook spoke as another chuckled left from his lips ....

WRAPPED AROUND MY FINGERS....(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now