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Next morning....

Doyoung was having his morning tea sitting on the couch of their Seoul mansion....his girlfriend was sitting next to him drink his apple juice...while Emily was scrolling on her phone....

"I don't understand why do have a headache from morning"Doyoung muttured with a frown...Emily and the other girl shared a look...

"Yeah right I am feeling dizzy too"the girl said...

"Yes bro...I have been feeling my head is spinning from morning" Emily spoke massaging her forehead.....

"Sir...sir"one of the guard came inside with a panicked face....

"What happened"Doyoung asked...

"Sir...sir jemy...sir jemy"the guard shuttered not even able to say anything...

"God damn it....speak what jemy"Doyoung spoke as he harshly put the cup on the near table and stood up....

"He...he died...his death body is on the main door"the guard spoke...

"The hell are you speaking"Doyoung spoke and walked towards the main gate.... followed by his girlfriend and Emily....

"Wtf...."Doyoung muttured seeing jemy's death body....

"How did he died....does he have any bullet mark or anything"Doyoung spoke ...the guards checked jemy's body but found nothing....

"No sir... neither he is shot nor he have any other marks on his body...."the guard informed...

"Check the cctv"Doyoung spoke and they all walked towards the room which had cctv monitors....

Doyoung himself checked everything but found nothing suspicious...."how did he died....take him to hospital and run a postmortem....I want the report with some hours...got that"Doyoung ordered the guards.nodded and took jemy's body to hospital.....

"Boss will kill me when he will know this"Doyoung spoke pulling his hairs in frustration....

'you are going to die any ways' Doyoung's girlfriend thought with an evil smirk....

"Babe...who do you think must have done this..."she spoke showing fake concern....

"I don't know Jennie....I don't know....but who ever did this...will be killed by me"Doyoung spoke gritting his teeths...

'killed by you...huh...Jeon isn't that easy to be killed...dream on brother 'emily thought looking at Jennie who was thinking the same.....

"Don't you think you should tell to him before anyone else tell him"Emily spoke....

"I think I have to-"Doyoung cut off when he phone ringed...

"Come to mansion "the other person spoke when Doyoung picked the call....the person didn't even let Doyoung to speak and disconnected the call.... Doyoung gulped as he knew that his boss was too much angry .....

"I will come with you"Jennie spoke....

"No...stay with Emily...."Doyoung spoke as he walked out....Jennie and emily followed him and stayed in the living room....

When they were sure that Doyoung has left Jennie went to her room and pulled out the secret phone she had....

'Doyoung has went to meet his boss...'jennie messaged kook and hide the phone back....not knowing someone saw her.....

"So you are betraying us"the person muttered....he was about to pull out his phone and tell everything to their boss but something hit his head from back....

WRAPPED AROUND MY FINGERS....(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now