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Taekook along with hobi and Lisa were returning back to their hotel to collect their luggage and than go to airport as their flight is in some hours....

"You are fine right ...he didn't did anything with you"kook asked voice filled with worries....

"Nahh ...he didn't did much....was just touching by legs....and waist.... don't worry"tae spoke just as the words left tae's mouth kook's head snapped towards tae....

"He touched you leg and waist and you say I shouldn't worry....I will cut his hands if I meet him again"kook spoke gritting his teeths...

"Yeah surly do that....I will accompany you in that too....but first tell me did you heard everything which he said"tae spoke...

"Yeah I heard ...and the camera you had on your dress must have recorded everything too....we just have to give this to bam bam hyung....he will meet us on airport....and he will give that to Italian police"kook spoke...

"Hmm..but we should check the recording once "tae suggested...

"Yeah that's right ...wait let me take the camera with me and check the video while you will change"kook spoke as he turned towards tae more ....

The camera was placed on tae's dress's neck line which was reaching to his chest ....kook placed his hands over there as he tried to detach the camera from the cloth .....

"You think I am fool ...."tae spoke looking at kook who smiled sheepishly....

"I don't think that why"kook asked as he brushed his fingers over tae's exposed chest un intentionally....yeah it was not intentional....we believe him....

"Just remove the camera stop touching my chest"tae spoke making kook Chuckle he removed the camera and sat straight....

"You got me"kook spoke as he winked at tae who rolled his eyes....

They reached the hotel and rushed to their rooms ...they had already packed everything just had to change and leave...."change fast sweet heart we have to leave from here before Doyoung's men know about our plan"kook shouted from their room as tae was inside the bathroom....

"Yeah ready let's go...."tae spoke....they both exited their room....they were in elevator when kook's phone ringed....it was Kai's call ..

"Yes Kai....yeah we are leaving....yeah ...oh you know....ok ok Emily told you....yeah we will handle it to bam bam hyung ok ...yeah thanks bye"kook disconnected the call...

"What was he asking "tae asked as they walked out from the elevator....

"Just wanted to make sure wears fine and the footage is safe or not ...I guess Emily told him about our plan ...and he was even wishing us a safe flight"kook spoke as they reached the huge living room....

"Where is felix"kook asked to yeobin who were standing with hobi and lisa

"He is talking on call"yeonjun spoke pointing at felix who was standing at a corner of the living room talking in hushed tone....

"I will call him"tae spoke....

"No you wait here I will call him"hobi spoke as he walked towards felix....

Hobi tapped on his shoulder which made felix to flinch.. "hyung you scared me"felix spoke immediately disconnecting the call...

"With whom are you talking"hobi asked...

"Huh....oh... it's...it was my mom"felix spoke hobi nodded and asked felix to come with him they are leaving.....



"Well done ....you have us a very great news....make sure they aren't able to reach airport....stop them in middle only"X spoke to a person who nodded and let with a smirk....

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