Special chapter ♥️

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Kook walked inside his room and smiled widely looking at tae who had their princess on his lap...but he felt his throat getting dry when he looked at what his princess was doing...the sucking noise was echoing in the room that didn't help the jr.jeon...

Because tae was feeding their princess his three upper buttons of the shirt were open...one of his bud was in the girls mouth while the other was in a bra...

And kook had the urge to take the other one in his own mouth...tae smiled at kook but frowned as he saw kook staring at something...he followed the gaze of the mafia and blushed when he saw what was older staring...

"Koo"he called but got no reply...he was about to call the mafia again but looked down when he felt his daughter is asleep...he softly took the bud out from the girls mouth and layed her on the bed beside him...he turned back just to flinch a little when he saw kook's face too close to his...

"Stop scaring me"tae spoke take deep breath...

"Sweet heart...I am hungry"kook spoke to which tae raised his eyebrows...

"Ok...go have something then"tae spoke as was about to clip his bra back but was stopped when kook gripped his hands...

"What"tae asked already knowing what other is thinking...

"I want this"kook spoke poking the exposed swell...

"No... it's just for my princess"tae spoke shaking his head...but gasped when he was pushed on the bed and his hands got pinned above his head...

"But her dada deserves this more than her"kook spoke and removed the bra making both the swells exposed in front of him...


Kook licked the drop of milk that were on the bud.. making tae to shut his eyes at the warm touch...kook tugged the bud between his teeth and took the bud in his mouth sucking it hardly making tae's toes to curl...a moan escaped from tae's lips when he felt those hard sucks...

Kook hummed when the milk shot in his mouth...he sucked on it as it was the only thing he was having after years of hunger...tae moaned when kook poked the bud with his tongue...

"Koo~~"tae moaned...kook left the bud  and spoke his lips still over the sensitive bud...

"Keep it low sweet heart... princess is sleeping"kook spoke his lips brushing over the bud..tae hummed understanding what kook was saying but he has to bite his lips hard when he felt kook taking another bud in mouth and sucking it ....

When kook was satisfied with both the swells...he backed away and stared at tae whose lips were red Because of continues biting...eyes half closed...beads of sweat on his forehead making his hairs to stick on his forehead....chest going up and down because tae was catching his breath...the previous scene already made something down there half hard...and the rest was caused by this view...

Kook smashed his lips on tae sucking on it as if it's life depends on it...he bite the already red lips ....and entered his tongue in his love's mouth... unconscious tae moved his body which caused their lowers to rub together making kook to groan in between the kiss...

"You are causing problems to me sweet heart...you solve them too"kook spoke as he stood on the ground and swiftly lifted tae walking in the bathroom...as they didn't wanted to disturb their princess sleeping peacefully not knowing what her parents were doing...

And the rest is being left to your imagination....you may think what they did🔞🔞🔞🔞


10 years later....

"Dada...I know you love to call for troubles...but this is way too much"the 10 years old Lisa spoke folding her hands on her chest disappointed at her dada who himself was disappointed in himself...

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