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2 days later....

"Are you sure you are totally fine"tae asked as he was sitting on the couch in kook's room while kook was getting ready....

"Sweet heart are you sure you aren't falling for me..."kook asked looking at tae through the mirror hearing this tae rolled his eyes....

"Here i am genuinely asking you about your health and you are busy flirting with me"tae spoke ....

"I am not flirting darling....I am just curious.... because the way you are worried for me didn't seem normal "kook spoke turning to face tae ....

"Stop giving me this nicknames second I am very kind person who get worried for all of his friends ok"tae spoke .....

"Sweet heart...at least stop hurting my poor heart...here I am trying to make you my husband and there you are literally friend zoning me.... that's not fair"kook spoke with a pout.....

"Aahhh....you seriously think this innocent face will work on me"tae spoke standing up....

"It won't work"kook asked blinking his doe eyes looking like a small kid....tae had the urge to pinch his cheeks buy as he spoke it didn't work he have to stop himself....

"Yes it didn't...."tae spoke but gasp as kook held his wrist and pulled him close ...

"So my daddy side will work"kook asked leaning close to Tae's ears....tae was frozen for a second but gained his self back and whispered....

"Hmmm... about that I will surely want to see that daddy side of yours soon"tae spoke tracing his pointer finger on kook's jaw....and this time kook was shocked....

Tae leaned back and giggled at kook's shocked face.... kook's ears were red....

"Waah I love this reaction...."tae spoke patting kook's cheeks snapping him out of his shocked state....

"I swear this mouth of yours....I really had the urge to put this in some good use"kook spoke shaking his head smiling like a fool....while tae just shrugged....

"But still....I am genuinely asking are you really fine"tae asked making kook to feel warmness spreading in his heart....

He put his arms on tae's shoulder and said"sweet heart....this isn't the first time I am injured and I told you this already....I had still rested more than I usually do after getting hurt....so don't worry...your bunny is very strong"kook spoke....tae nodded his head signing....

"Ok so I will leave now....see you soon bye bye"kook spoke giving him a flying kiss....tae just waved at him with a soft smile.....


"Did you get anything different"kook asked in his cold voice ....

"No kook....we are still searching if something is suspicious or not"hobi spoke kook nodded...

"Ok... let's go to min modeling ENT"kook spoke as hobi nodded and drove to min modeling ENT.....


"Mr min....Mr jeon is here to meet you"yoongi's secretary said yoongi asked her to ask kook to come in....

"Hello hyung"kook spoke entering inside the cabin along with hobi....

"Hello Jungkook how are you"yoongi spoke shaking his hands with kook....

"Better now...I came to discuss about the dates of the fashion show"kook spoke....

Three of the settled down as they started to talk about their business....

"Well we will try to make it best.... don't worry"kook spoke with a smile....hobi was indeed surprised seeing kook smiling more than before...as from the time kook had entered in mafia world he often smiles or talks softly special with people he barely know...so it was new to hobi....

"I am glad to work with you "yoongi spoke...his secretary came with coffee for them and went away....

"Well ....i am more glad to work with you....Joon hyung had talked about you so much ....."kook spoke taking a sip from the coffee....

"What has he talked about me"yoongi asked...

"Well not too much but yeah he said you are a very kind and humble person...."kook spoke looking at yoongi who nodded...

"That's it he didn't spoke anything else"yoongi asked raising his one eyebrow....

"Yeah he said...you just pretend that you are cold but in reality you are very nice and soft hearted person...he said he feel blessed to have a brother like you"kook spoke...he mentally prayed that yoongi believe his words because if he did it will be good for him to make Joon and yoongi close....

"Oh I see"...'joon still think about me like this'yoongi thought....

"So I will take my leave now"kook spoke...as he stood up....

"Yeah sure why not....it felt good that you came here to discuss everything....thank you"yoongi spoke as he see them off....



"Taetae what are you thinking"beomgyu asked...they both were in pet clinic....they came here to do yeontan's monthly check up.....

"Hmm... nothing"tae spoke...they were sitting in the waiting room.... yeontan was taken for the check up....

"Thinking about Jungkook"gyu asked and tae nodded with a sign...

"Do you like him "gyu asked....tae again signed...

"I guess I do"tae spoke as he leaned his head back placing it on the wall...

"Than why are you signing....he already loves you....and I guess your brothers like him too"gyu asked with a frown....

"You know he is a mafia"tae spoke looking at gyu...

"So...are you afraid by him"gyu asked...

"No...I can never be afraid of him.....I am afraid for him"tae spoke staring at an empty space....

"I am not getting what are you trying to say"gtu asked...

"I mean....you know there would be many people behind him and they all need his weakness....till now he didn't had one...but now...if we started a relationship and anyone got to know about this they can use me to defeat him....they can do anything to him by making me their bait.....and I don't want him to get hurt"tae spoke signing....

"Awww....you are not just liking him....you are in love with him taetae"gyu spoke with a teasing smile...

"Stop teasing me gyu....I am serious"tae spoke .....

"Ok...I understood whatever you said...but you also think didn't he had thought about this....he is a mafia and he know everything tooo....but still he decided to love you confessed to you because he is confident he will never let anything happen to you....so why can't you think this tooo.... instead of being his weakness become his strength....."gyu spoke and patted tae's back....

"You are right"tae said with a boxy smile....

"I am always right"gyu spoke...

"And this is where you are wrong"tae spoke and flipped his hair when gyu glared at him.....

Doctor came and gave yeontan to tae and told that he was perfectly fine...they both went back home....not knowing someone had heard everything what tae spoke....

"I didn't knew you care for me this much sweet heart"kook spoke smiling like a fool hearing everything which tae said....

He had inserted a small mic in tae's watch... without tae's knowing and now he can hear whatever tae talks to anyone....he did this to make sure tae was fine...and he can know what is going around tae...but he didn't knew he will hear his sweetheart confession through this.....


To be continue....

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss.....


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