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It took hobi and Lisa around 10 more minutes checking on everything...they dismissed the meeting and thought to check upon taekook who went to the dinning area....even tho Lisa was hurt she wants to meet the cute yet sassy person who is able to control the heartless mafia around his pinky finger....

They slowly walked inside the dinning area just to find kook serving tae pancake....and tae was looking at him with a smile...

"Here my highness...fresh and sweet pancakes...for you sweet sweet heart"kook spoke as he pinched tae's cheeks and tae slapped his hands away immediately because he was still 'mAd' at him....

"Why are you still angry...sweet heart...I said nah you will be my husband soon why getting so offensive by that"kook spoke as he pulled a chair beside tae sitting next to him....

Both totally unknown that two people were looking and hearing them....

"Hahaha....offensive...I ain't offensive....just it....it was shocking ok....I was surprised...and wait why you lied to me...that hurted me more you know "tae spoke as he ate a bite...

"I didn't wanted to lie....but then I thought if I lie how will you find what I said...you know I am curious person who want to know everything by himself "kook spoke...

"Ok...ok...I forgive you this time...but see what I will do when you will lie to me again "tae spoke pointing fork at him...

"Oh my majesty...thank you for the forgiveness and I won't repeat the same mistake...now enjoy your food and tell me how it is...you know I cooked something for someone for the first time"kook spoke eyes filled with excitement....

"He never cooked for us"hobi whispered to Lisa....

"He is different from us hobi"Lisa spoke which a chuckle...

"It tastes good"tae spoke as tried to suppress his smile when kook pouted...

"Just good....I thought it will be best"kook spoke with pout surprising hobi and Lisa....

"Uwu...Mr mafia is pouting...."tae spoke as he squeezed kook's cheeks between his palms....

"I was just teasing you.... it's the best pancakes I had ate...but don't tell this yo Jin hyung or I am dead if he knew I said this"tae spoke ...

"Owk"kook spoke with a giggle which melted two hearts together....

"Ahm ahm"hobi fake coughed making taekook to look at them....tae retreated his hands back as he waved at hobi and Lisa....

"Hii Taehyung right....I am so glad to finally meet you...."Lisa said as she and hobi walked near taekook...

"Ah yes I am Taehyung...and you must be Lisa....kook told me about you....hii hobi hyung"tae spoke with a boxy smile....

"You are so cute tae"Lisa spoke as she pinched tae's cheeks which were immediately removed by the jeonlus....

"I know he is cute but he is already committed"kook spoke pointing at himself...tell to whom other is committed....

"Yeah yeah I know Jungkook"Lisa spoke as she rolled her eyes...

"You were right you bond indeed look like siblings bond koo"tae spoke making Lisa to feel tightness in her chest....

"I know...she is like my younger sister sooo"kook spoke looking at tae unknown to the fact how his every word was hurting Lisa's heart....

"Well tae you really shouted at him Infront of everyone....you should have seen there faces they thought you are dead but than this whipped man followed you like a kicked puppy making all of them faint"hobi said as taekook started to talk to hobi ....Lisa occasionally joining their conversation putting her all pain in the corner of her heart....

There conversion went long...until..."really I want to see the gun practice area"tae spoke looking at kook...

"Yeah sure....I was going to ask you to learn how to shoot as in future you can protect yourself...."kook spoke with a whipped smile on his face....

"Yayy... let's go than"tae spoke ...taekook stood up totally forgetting that there were two person present with them....

"I have never seen such a whipped man like he is"hobi spoke with a chuckle....

"I agree"Lisa stood up ready to leave....

"Where are you going"hobi asked...

"In my room..."Lisa spoke

"Oh ok...take rest I am going out too...bye"hobi spoke as he made his way out of the mansion.....

Lisa smiled sadly as she last time glanced at the stairs which lead them to the gun practice area....and made her way to her room....


"Wow it's so classy"tae commented as they entered inside a room where a wall was filled with different type is guns...in front of them were tables placed where headphones and glasses were placed that are used while practice....and right infront of the table a far tho....

There were some dummies placed  to shoot....kook gave tae one of the head over along with glasses....

Tae stood at the marked spot from where they shoot...he held the gun but looked at kook who chuckled ....

"That's not how we hold the gun sweet heart~~"kook spoke ...

"I ain't a shooter from born...come here and teach me than idiot~~"tae spoke rolling his eyes....

"Will gladly"kook spoke as he stood behind tae...tae looked in front....kook held his hand and made him hold the gun properly in his hands...

"Hmm...now look there ....in the centre"kook whispered neat Tae's ears....

Tae's breath hitched when kook stepped more close making his chest touch tae's back... kook's hot breath fanning tae's neck which made him feel gossebumps....

Kook knew the close proximity was effecting at tae so he removed his left hand from tae's hand and placed it on his waist....

"Focus on the centre res dot...hmm"kook spoke more huskily this time...tae shut his eyes thight as tried to normal his breath....he was breathing heavily and was feeling shrivers running down on his spine...

"Shoot sweet heart"kook spoke his lips touching tae's ears...he was loving the way he effected tae...and tae pulled the trigger and a loud bang was heard ...

Kook chuckled as he left tae going two steps back....tae opened his eyes...and looked at kook who was shaking his head...

"You were distracted sweet heart"kook spoke with a smug smile on his face....tae became shy knowing kook saw how he was behaving....

"So...so what...anyone can get distracted.... it's not like you never got distracted by anything"tae spoke rolling his eyes...

"Well sweet heart I don't know about anyone...but I had never been distracted by anything..."kook spoke grinning proudly....

"Huh....you praise yourself too much.... there's no way you were never get distracted"tae spoke...

"There isn't anyone or anything that can distract me... sweet heart"kook spoke ....

"Ok..if it's like that...come here try to shoot I will distract you...."tae spoke...kook nodded being too confident on himself not knowing tae can distract him way too easily....

Next chapter....

"We have to go Italy"kook spoke looking at tae....


To be continue....

How you think tae will distract kook....and why are they suddenly going to Italy....

Tell me how it was......

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss.....


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