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Bang.....bang ....

"Did you got what I asked you to hyung"kook spoke putting bullets in his gun as he was practicing shooting.....

Hobi who just entered inside spoke "yeah...I had found every information regarding Ahm Doyoung.....but I am not understanding one thing....why do you want to know about him so much"hobi asked....

Kook pointed the gun towards the dummy and shoot right on its forehead.....

"I am going to kill him soon....and as you know I always find and attack on my enemies after knowing about their weakness and strength "kook spoke as he threw the gun on the table where lots of different guns and bullets were laying.....

He forwarded his hand and hobi placed the file in his hand that had Doyoung 's information.....

"He is originally from daegyu...his mother was a primary school teacher....while his father used to work for Kim's...he was a good friend of Kim namjoon....but just from outside....from inside he was always jealous of other and wanted to be at joon's place....he wanted the money namjoon had ...the love he got from his parents and specially he hated yoongi's bond with namjoon.....

As they grew up yoongi started to notice how Doyoung was trying to turn namjoon in a bad person by provoking him going to clubs and hooking up with random girls....so he warmed Doyoung and asked him to stay away from namjoon....he got more angry over this he than started to make namjoon against yoongi which unfortunately never happened.....

He even got insulted by namjoon when he said that yoongi was talking vulgar things about Jin....when he was returning from the company after getting insulted....he went in a dark alley where he met some mafia members...they were injured and we're at the verge of dieing.....he helped them but not because he was a kind person but because he knew they are from the Lucifer gang ....the most powerful mafia gang of Italy.....

He knew of he will save them they will thank him....and that is what happened....when they all got cured they thanked him and he said that he don't want their thanks but he want to meet their boss....to his good luck that time the boss Nemgi was present in Seoul.....they took him and let him meet their boss....he asked their boss to take him in their gang which the boss accepted.....

He than went back home and planned how to separate yoongi and namjoon he did as he planned that you already know and than he got to know that Kim namjoon's brother Kim Taehyung has came back and is trying to again make them bond and the person whom he hired is going to help him so he asked the prisoner to put poison in that person's food as he offered lots of money to the prisoner he did what Doyoung asked.....

And after killing that person he flew Italy with Nemgi....their he worked hard and became the most trusted man of Nemgi and than he made Nemgi to declare him as the next mafia boss....and just after a month of this announcement...Nemgi died because of some disease....and from there on he is ruling over the Lucifers....."hobi completed as he took some sips of water as he was trust....

Kook who listened to everything had a frown on his face....he had some questions which he asked to hobi....

"So his sharp brain is his strength I see...but what about his weakness"kook asked....

"His weakness is girls....he is a total fuck boy....there isn't a day he don't do one night stands.....he get attracted to sexy hot girls and make them his sluts....and one more thing....his sister... Emily...she is his life ...he loves her very much....but Emily don't feel the same she hates how her brother is....."hobi spoke to which kook hummed....

"Ok....I guess I know where should I attack....one more thing he tried to make a deal with us....right"kook asked looking at hobi who nodded....

"Ok...why do I feel too much excited to deal with him"kook spoke with a devilish smirk on his face....

"And hyung what about Mr min's deal..."kook asked to hobi who was about to leave....

"The deal is almost done...he is ready to do the fashion show with us.... it's just you have to meet him and confirm everything"hobi spoke....

"That's nice....looks like it's finally time to meet my brother in laws"kook spoke cracking his neck with a smug face.....


A week later....

Tae was pacing back and forth mumbling curses to the said handsome bunny on whom he is angry....

"The hell....where he disappeared....I should have trusted him that day when he said he will help me...."tae spoke as he threw his phone on the bed from which he was trying to call that bunny who wasn't picking his calls from an hour.....

"AAAHHHH....I am so frustrated....that idiot whenever I ask when and how he is going to help me...he just say 'don't worry sweet heart and trust me....you will know soon' trust him my foot...."tae spoke to himself....he got interputed as Jin called him....

"TAE....TAE COME DOWN QUICKLY...." Jin shouted making tae to get worried a little....he immediately ran down but what he saw wasn't something he ever imagined.....

Kook was sitting on a couch his hands on his stomach from where blood was ozing.....

He was snapped out from his state when Jin again called him...."tae what are you doing there ..go and bring first aid box quickly"Jin spoke to which tae nodded and ran back upstairs and came back with the first aid kit....

"Hyung"tae spoke giving the first aid kit to Jin who took that and asked kook to lift his shirt.....

Kook did and tae felt bad seeing a deep wound on the side of kook's stomach....Jin started to clean the wound to which kook hissed a little....

He than started to clean it with alcohol to which kook shut his eyes tightly....tae who was looking this felt bad...here he was cursing kook thinking why he wasn't picking his call ...but now he got something happened to which kook wasn't able to pick tae's call....

Kook looked at tae and smiled softly to which tae smiled sadly ......

Next chapter

Tae looked at kook with narrowed eyes when Jin told him who kook got hurt....

And tae rolled his eyes when kook winked at him....he knew he had gotten worried for this bunny for nothing......


To be continue.....

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