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Double update....

Next day...

Both woke up around 12 in the afternoon...kook was the first one to wake up who stayed in the bed admiring the cute husband of his...

He then woke up tae pampering kisses all over his face...both stayed like that in bed...until tae's stomach growled to get filled...kook chuckled at this and carried tae to take a bath...

Seeing the named beauty in front of him he was indeed hard...but as other already sore down there thanks to him only...he just kissed tae passionately while roaming his hands all over the ethereal body...tae sensed something poking him and helped the poor being by a blowjob...which made the horny bunny to be on cloud nine...


Now it's been a month and 2 weeks taekook were married... everything was going smooth like butter... everyone was happy...and the happiest were taekook themselves...they spent their whole time together...kook was often seen leaving his company early because he was missing his husband and wanted to see him...

Currently the said mafia bunny was sitting in his room foot aggressively tapping over the floor... Hands sweaty and throat dry Because of anxiety...and excitement....

No don't think of something unholy...he is fully dressed and it's 9 in the morning...then why is he so excited and sweating...the reason is tae...who has gone inside of the bathroom with a pregnancy kit...

Even tho kook wanted to join him inside...tae didn't allowed him...kook gave a reason why hiding himself when he has seen the younger naked more than the times he can count now...but in reply he was pushed out of the bathroom and the door was slammed on his face... making him pout....

"Sweet heart... Just come out..."kook spoke voice holding desperation....

"Sweet heart...."kook whined ...but he got nothing except the silence....he opened his mouth to call tae again but stood up in the speed of light when he heard the door getting unlocked...

"What happened... what's the result" Kook asked to tae who has a poker face ...hands clunching the pregnancy stick tightly....

"Sweet heart...are you ok"kook asked tae's eyes getting teary...

"Koo...we...we are going to be parents "tae spoke with teary eyes as he showed kook the stick which was showing two red lines...

Kook stared at the stick with wide eyes...soon a wide bunny smile came on his face...he looked at tae with the same teary eyes...he lifted tae circling his arms under younger's bum...tae held kook's shoulder to not fall...

Kook spinned tae shouri I love you... hearing that tae giggled loudly...

"Koo..put me down...my head is spinning"tae spoke holding his head shutting his eyes...

"Sorry sorry..."kook spoke as he stopped and made tae sit on the bed...he sat on his knees and stared at tae...

"Are you ok... sweet heart...wait I will call enuwoo"kook spoke and was about to take phone out from his pocket but got stopped when tae held his hand...

"I am fine...give me water"tae spoke shaking his head a little...kook nodded and gave tae water...he sat there worriedly looking at tae who slowly gulped the water...

"Are you sure you are fine...we can call enuwoo...he just stays next door"kook spoke making tae smile warmly...

"It's fine koo...I am sure I am fine"tae spoke...kook smiled widely as he stared at tae's face...

"We are going to be parents"kook muttured looking at tae with soft eyes...

"Hmm...our baby..."tae spoke staring at kook with fond eyes...

WRAPPED AROUND MY FINGERS....(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now