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Taekook were in kook's office going through Doyoung's men's information....to get to know who is the real boss....they were even finding about the ex team leader who was killed by Doyoung....but unfortunately they didn't found anything yet.....

"Who do you think can be the real boss"tae asked looking at kook ....

"I am not sure but I have a doubt on Henry....he seems suspicious to me"kook spoke thinking about Henry and trying to pin point any of his unusual thing that he did on the day they met....

"Hmm I think that too....I don't know if I am right or not.... Doyoung was occasionally glancing at Henry's side "tae spoke....kook hummed as he noticed this tooo....

"Guys...our spy is on call..."hobi spoke coming inside the room with his phone in his hand...

Kook asked hobi to put the call on speaker....

"Hello guys...how are you both"the person from the other side asked....

"Great...you tell...how is everything going there"kook spoke with a small smile....

"Everything is perfectly fine...and yeah I have a good news for all of you....guess what your plan worked... Doyoung had believed Emily and is preparing to fly to Seoul this week"the person from the other side spoke with a smirk...

"I knew this...Emily will work perfectly....a d ofcourse you did a great job too... Doyoung's girlfriend "tae teased the person who made gagging sound....

"Oh please don't make me puke.... girlfriend my foot....I am just there for you guys..."the other person spoke from the other side making taekook to laugh....

"Yes yes madam....we are very grateful for you hope you get a girlfriend for yourself soon"tae spoke...other person smiled before disconnecting the call....

"Well let's the game begin"tae spoke with a smirk....kook and hobi smirked hearing tae ...

"Yeah let's the game begin"kook spoke....


Night time....

Tae was laying on the bed having his phone in his hand smiling while reading something....while kook was in the bathroom getting change in his night dress.....

You will think why tae is in kook's room....so they live in same room from the day tae along with his hyung's has shifted in the jeon mansion....

Kook wanted to take care of tae 24/7 and never wanted other to away from his site....and so he asked tae to sat in his room....tae liked to stay beside kook too...and agreed...so now it's their room ....

Kook walked out rubbing his hair with a small towel his upper body naked while he was wearing shorts....kook looked at tae who was smiling like a fool reading go knows what on his phone...kook cleared his throat to get some attention but got nothing.....

"Sweet heart"kook called making tae to flinch Because he was too engrossed in his phone that a slight noice scared me...(that's me whenever I see a ff....I get too engrossed and than flinch whenever anyone call me)......

"What"tae spoke taking a deep breath to calm down his heart beat...

"What are you doing....that you flinched like this"kook asked going towards tae who immediately hide his phone....

Kook raised his eyebrow...and forwarded his palm"give me...I also wanna see what was so interesting that you were smiling like that"kook spoke but tae shook his head as he hide his phone behind his back....

"Sweet heart give me the phone"kook spoke climbing on the bed....he was sitting on his knees and was going towards tae....tae tried to get off the bed but was caged by kook...

WRAPPED AROUND MY FINGERS....(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now