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Night time....

"Oh my kook why are you coming down you should rest"Jin spoke looking at kook who was stepping on the stairs...

"It's ok hyung I am better now"kook spoke ....he smiled at tae who returned it....with a thumbs up

He walked to the couch and sat next to Joon....his phone ringed as he picked the Call

"Yes hobi hyung....ok....but how can I.....you now I am still not at my house....I will see....ok bye"kook tales to hobi and disconnected the call....

"What happened Jungkook"Joon asked even tho he pretended like he don't care for kook....but in reality he is very thankful to kook and is worried for him tooo....

"Hyung there's a client of mine who wants to have dinner with me at my house....but as you know my how is getting reconstructed...I can't invite him there....and his husband wants to have dinner at home so I can't even ask them to have dinner in any restaurant...now I don't know what I should do"kook spoke with a sad voice and a small pout....

Tae mentally patted kook's back when he saw how namjin started to think about it....he was sure this bunny is a great actor.....

"Why don't you ask them to come here"Jin spoke

"How can I hyung I am already troubling you by staying here i can't just trouble you more"kook spoke as Jin signed....

"Kook we are like family now....you think of me as a brother and so do I....so just think this is your home....by the way what is there name...."Jin asked...kook looked at tae who nodded slowly....

"His name his min yoongi....I hope you don't mind if they come over...Joon hyung"kook spoke and got two different reactions from namjin....Jin had a wide smile while Joon had a cold face...

Tae was just praying mentally that Joon get agree and kook's plan works....and he was about to scream when Joon nodded his head....

"They can...."Joon spoke as he stood up and walked to the dinning table where they were going to have dinner....Jin looked at taekook suspiciously when he saw them squealing together....both smiled nervously as they saw Jin looking at them....but to their luck he just shrugged that and went to serve the dinner to Joon.....

The dinner was silent....four of them.just ate their food and left for their room....as namjin entered inside their room Jin was about to speak but just as he opened his mouth Joon stopped him....

"Don't think too much....I just said yes because of kook....he had did a favor on me by saving you so I just want to help him and return the favor that's it.... don't think I had forgot what that min had did"Joon spoke as he walked inside the bathroom....

Jin signed and prayed to God that everything get back like old days....

With taekook....

Tae helped kook to walk upstairs....as soon as they entered inside tae hugged kook tightly....kook was shocked at first....but immediately wrapped his arms around tae's waist and back and hugged him close feeling the warmness coming from his sweetheart.....

Soon tae realized he just hugged kook out of sudden so he backed away slowly and kook almost whinned at lost of warmness.....

Tae looked everywhere but not at kook who was smiling softly...he badly wanted to tease other but thought not to do that now.....

"Thank God the plan worked"kook spoke and tae looked at kook with a smile .....

"Yeah I was so scared what if hyung don't agree"tae spoke with a sign....

"Thank me....see I am doing what I promised"kook spoke as he sat on the bed carefully....

"Yeah yeah....I agree you in this....thank you so much"tae spoke with a light liped smile....

"Oh sweet heart....couples don't thank like that"kook spoke shaking his head....

"And mister who said we are couples"tae asked folding his hands on his chest....but gasped as kook pulled him and hugged waist ...buring his face in tae's stomach......

"W-what are you doing"tae spoke trying to understand what happened.....

"Stay like this....it feels good"kook mumbled near Tae's stomach.....tae gulped but nodded as he started to caress kook's hair softly.....

Kook hummed liking the soft caressing on his hairs....they stayed like that for sometimes as kook wanted.....

"See aren't we couples.... friends don't do stuffs like this"kook spoke looking up at tae arms still wrapped around tae's waist....tae blushed understanding what kook spoke is right....

"I-i don't k-know....leave me now...I am sleepy"tae spoke trying to remove kook's arms....

"Sweet heart....I will leave now....but remember we are getting married soon....and no one can stop me from doing that"kook spoke as he left tae who just looked away from kook....

"I am going to sleep....good night"tae spoke as he walked towards the door....

"Won't you help me to lay"kook asked ....tae stopped took a deep breath and walked back to kook....

He helped kook to lay covered him with a duvet....but throughout he didn't looked at kook's eyes which were staring at him....

"Good night....dream me"kook spoke giving a flying kiss to tae who nodded and left .....

"My sweet blushing sweet heart"kook muttured smiling like a fool.....


To be continue....

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