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Taekook made their way towards the room Lisa was placed covered in by a white sheet ...tae had a plaster in his left hand Because the crack he got is a little deep....and he need to not move his hands until it is fully recover.....

Both took a deep breath and walked inside...the room didn't had bright light that they were thankful for.... Jackson was already present there...

"It's her...calm down hmm"he spoke as he slowly removed the white sheet from her face...tae was about to fall on floor but kook supported him...tae sat on the floor along with kook who was holding him to not let him fall...

"Koo...lis-...Lisa"tae spoke pointing at the lifeless body....tae looked at kook who was already crying....tears started to flow from tae's eyes too...

"Sh-e...die-d be... bec-ause of me"tae muttured as he broke down fully crying and sobbing loudly....kook shook his head as he burried tae's face in his chest letting tae soak his shirt with tears....

"No.. sweet heart.... sh-e did-n't die-d beca-use of you"kook spoke he was trying to control his sobs.... Because he have to comfort tae first....

"No...sh-e....sh-e die-d beca-use she...she sav-ed me"tae spoke fisting kook's shirt with his right hand.....

"No....shh...calm down ....baby please...."kook literally begged tae to calm down.... Because he can't see tae crying like this....

"Koo....she....she...."tae tried to say but couldn't he was blaming himself for her death...kook tried his best to calm tae but nothing worked....tae was burring his head in kook's chest....but than kook started to panick when he felt tae's whole weight was against him....he pulled tae a little and immediately shouted for jackson....

"Tae.... sweet heart..."kook spoke patting tae's cheeks trying to make tae concious....

Jackson ran inside and kook immediately put tae on strecher running in the corridor holding tae's hand.... Jackson took tae inside while kook stood there being scared to death....but sighed in relief when Jackson came out after 5 minutes and said...

"No need to worry...he fainted Because of tiredness and medicine....he will be awake after some times...."

"When can tae get discharged...."kook asked...

"He can get discharged any time....but you have to take care of him ....he shouldn't work too hard and be on bed rest for atleast 2 weeks....make sure he eats properly...."Jackson said...

"I will make sure about everything hyung....and I asked you to let me meet the person who gave him blood...."kook spoke...

"Yeah... actually he is already in my cabin as he is going back Seoul today....if you want you can meet him "Jackson said...

Namjin and yoonmin came near kook...kook told them that tae got fainted Because of tiredness and is still inside his room....they assured him that they will take care of tae.... so kook went to thank the person who gave tae blood and saved his life....

"Hyung I was about to leave...oh"the person who was inside the cabin spoke but stopped when he saw an unknown person with Jackson....

"Enuwoo...this is Jeon Jungkook...and kook he is Cha Enuwoo...my cousin "Jackson introduced...

"Thank you so much for saving my sweet heart's life....I will always remember your favor....if you want I will be always there to help you"kook spoke bowing Infront of enuwoo....who was shock....

"No no.... don't thank me...as a human it's my duty to help others....and I am a doctor I had oated to save people's life...."enuwoo spoke smiling at kook....

WRAPPED AROUND MY FINGERS....(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now