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Next evening....

Kook was walking back and forth in their room he was all ready wearing a black suite looking hot and dashing....his aura was screaming he was a mafia boss....hairs styled perfectly showing his forehead a little....

But he was nervous....yeah him a mafia boss was nervous for a deal... basically not because of the deal...he was nervous Because tae was joining this....and he was nervous for his sweet heart....

He don't want anything to happy to tae...and to end the cherry on top...tae is going to play the main role in their whole plan....he is frustrated on thinking tae is gonna seduce Doyoung who already seemed obsessed by feminine males specially beautiful ones...and kook knew Doyoung will go crazy seeing tae....

He snapped his head towards the bathroom when it's door as clicked open...he bite his lips...tae was looking to stunning in that outfit... totally black... tae's chest was being a little revealed and his one leg was on full display....

 tae's chest was being a little revealed and his one leg was on full display

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Tae smirked seeing kook's reaction...he walked towards other like he was doing a ramp walk... kook's eyes were stuck on him that he didn't even noticed tae was too close to him.....

"Mr mafia...snap out from that daze..."tae spoke as he traced his fingers on kook's chest and flicked his chin ....

"You are looking smoking hot"kook commented making tae to grin widely....

"Thank you.... ain't a looking like a mafia king"tae spoke...kook shook his head and pulled tae more close to him by wrapping his arms around tae's waist....

"You are looking like a mafia queen...my mafia queen"kook whispered near Tae's ears...

"Ah...oh my mafia king"tae spoke as he pushed kook away and walked to put some perfume...kook chuckled and looked at tae...his eyes scanned tae's back view as tae was back facing him...

Eyes getting again stuck on tae's bum which was looking too good for him...as the dress of tight it was showing tae's all curves...

"You are getting distracted Mr jeon"tae spoke looking at kook through mirror...

"Not my fault...."kook spoke making eye contact with tae through the mirror...

"Let's go"tae spoke as he was ready...

"Is it really necessary for you to do this...I don't feel good about this"kook spoke ...

"Nothing will happen to me...stop worring"tae spoke ....

Kook sighed and they both left from there room and went inside the elevator....

"Are you going to seduce Doyoung or me....look at yourself sweet heart"kook spoke as he looked at tae who was standing next to him blowing his nails....

"Huh...I didn't even started my act of seduction"tae spoke...

"Uh hu... really...than may I know how you seduce someone"kook spoke raising an eyebrow....

Tae came close to kook making kook's heart to beat rapidly....tae placed his finger on kook's forhead and traces it from his face to his neck and than to his chest....tae wrapped his hands around kook's torso and went close to him...

He leaned to kook's ears "that's just a start...I can do more than this....and yeah...after this make sure to wear loose pants around me if you are gonna ask me to seduce you because....I don't want anyone to know your size ....ok daddy~~"tae whispered the last part in kook's ears and patted his bum....

Kook was frozen on his place ...tae moved back and giggled seeing kook's wide doe eyes...he pecked kook's nose....the door of elevator got opened tae left kook and walked out....

"Aren't you coming"tae shouted snapping kook out from his froze state....

Kook looked around than down and groaned when he saw the huge budge he got give credits to his sweet heart....

"I....wow...I didn't knew he is that much....I am speechless....but wait...is he going to do the same with Doyoung...no way..."kook spoke as he ran out from the elevator towards tae who was getting compliments from their other group members.....

"Where were you...we were waiting for you let's go"hobi spoke as they all started to go out from the hotel...taekook hobi and Lisa were in one car while yeobin and felix were in other car....

Taekook were sitting on the back seat Lisa was on passenger seat and hobi was driving...they didn't wanted to take driver with them.....

"Are you going to do the same with Doyoung you did with me"kook asked to tae...

"Huh..."tae asked not getting what other asked....

"I mean what you did with me in the elevator are you going to do the same with Doyoung"kook asked again....

"No...not that much just a little bit.... don't be jealous...you know I ain't going to be his boyfriend neither something will happen "tae spoke giving a small squeeze on kook's hand....

They became silent for sometimes but tae can sense kook was tensed...he knew kook is tensed Because of his safety....so he thought why not make him relax....

Tae looked at front where hobi was driving peacefully and Lisa was busy in her phone...tae looked at kook who seemed lost...so tae cupped kook face and turned his face that they both were facing each other....

Kook was about to say something but his eyes went wide when he felt a soft pair of lips on his own...tae didn't moved his lips....just pressed their lips together....

Tae leaned back and chuckled seeing kook's wide eyes..."don't stress everything will be fine"tae spoke looking in kook eyes....

Kook smiled showing his bunny smile...he clearly didn't expected that he will be kissed by tae....well that wasn't a kiss but a peck by tae was also very precious for him....

While Lisa who was pretending to be busy saw all that happened on back seat...she gulped to not let her tears flow...


"Yes boss"y said... (remember the two people whom I mentioned in 19 chapter see that if you forgot)...

"When are the jeons coming"x asked...

"They will be here in some minutes"y told...

"Ok...make sure to finalize everything today only...and if anything goes wrong be ready to attack them with our secret weapon"X spoke smoking...

"Yes boss...I will keep that in my mind...are you also going to join today's meeting"y asked...

"Yeah...I will definitely join it...I really wanna meet that jeon and his dear lover..."X spoke smirking....


Small spoiler...

"No no no....we have to stop them...ask him to attack them immediately and take our secret weapon too...make sure either the jeon or his lover should die today...."x shouted and ordered his men.....


To be continue....

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Thanks for reading.....

Stay tuned cutiesssssssss.....


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