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A week later .....

It was evening.... yoonmin and tae along with yoongi's company employees were at jeon's management.....as today was their fashion show......which was a success....

Namjin wasn't here as Doyoung was still keeping an eye on them....kook had did what he said....he has organized the best fashion show of the year ....

He himself has make sure everything was perfect and to say yoongi was happy would be an understatement..... because he was more than happy.....as finally his hard work was in front of the world thanks to kook....

The event has ended an hour ago ..yoonmin had went back to their company as yoongi had to handle some stuffs there so Jimin accompanied him....tae has stayed here as he and kook are going back home together.....

Yes kook is still living in Kim's mansion....a d this time Joon has asked him to stay here....and who was he to refuse staying close to his sweet heart.....

Currently they both were getting ready to leave....they were in kook's cabin as kook has to put some files here ....tae was getting bored....

"Umm..Mr jeon...I have something to talk"hobi spoke as he came inside after knocking....

"Yes say"kook spoke...

"Koo I will wait for you in parking ok"tae spoke standing up...

"Why sweet heart....stay we will go together"kook spoke....

"Oh I am not going home don't worry.....I will wait for you in parking...I am getting bored here.... complete your work fast I will be waiting....bye hyung"tae spoke as kook nodded ....hobi waved at tae with a smile as he left.....


Kook walked to the parking spinning the key chain in his index finger....he was expecting tae to be near his car but other wasn't there which made him frown...

"Sweet heart"kook called walking around but didn't find tae....

"Sweet heart don't play come out....we have to reach home"kook called thinking tae is playing or teasing him....but he sighed as he didn't saw other.....

He pulled out his phone a d called tae...he smiled when the ring of tae's phone was heard around him....he followed the voice with a smug smile on his face thinking he caught tae....but his smile dropped when he saw tae's phone laying on the floor near a pillar .....

His heart started to beat fast....he rushed and picked the phone whose screen was cracked a little.....he immediately dialled yoongi's and joon's number asking them if tae was at any of their house...but to his bad luck their answer was negative.....

He called hobi and asked to check cctv while he rushed to Kim's mansion as he will track tae from his laptop.....on his way he got a call from hobi....

"Yes hyung"kook asked voice filled with worries....

"Kook the cctv of parking is broken...but the exit cctv is working and it shows a van exiting just some minutes before you left from your cabin"hobi spoke he was scared what would be kook's reaction knowing the cctv of parking was broken ....

"Fuck...how can the cctv be broken.....try to look where that can went by hacking the near by cctvs and inform me immediately if you find any suspicious thing..."kook spoke in a cold voice and disconnected the call before hobi can even speak something....

He speeded up the car driving to the Kim's mansion....he parked the car and pushed the door harshly running inside the mansion going straight to his room....namjin who were stressed too ran behind him wanting to know where the is....

WRAPPED AROUND MY FINGERS....(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now