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"Tell me something about you"tae asked as he was dressing kook's wound....

"I have two eyes,bunny smile,one nose, small lips and lots of muscles"kook spoke while tae stared at him with a done look....

"Ohh...I thought you have four eyes seven hands and only bones"tae spoke rolling his eyes as kook giggled.....

"Fine fine...what do you want to know ask me"kook spoke...

"Hmmm....do you have a girlfriend"tae asked making kook to facepalm....

"Sweet heart....I don't have a girlfriend...if I had one why would I be here"kook spoke...

"That's true"tae spoke nodding....

"Ok tell me about your parents"tae asked to which kook chuckled dryly....

"I don't have parents....from the age I understood everything I have always found I had no one"kook spoke smiling sadly....tae looked at him feeling bad ....

"I don't know why and who but someone placed me near an orphanage when I was merely some months old according to the head of the orphanage.....I was bought up there ....and after Crossing 18 I started to work and earn for myself"kook spoke....

"So you don't have any friends also"tae asked....

"Hobi hyung my secretary is like my hyung....he was also with me in that orphanage we treat each other like brothers"kook spoke with a soft smile....

"Than how you became a mafia"tae asked as he placed the first aid kit back to it's place  and sat Infront of kook....kook had wore his shirt back

"When I was 18...I used to work in a cafe ...after completing my duty I was going back to orphanage....I heard some noice coming from a dark alley... someone was shouting for help....I went there and the scene nade my blood boil....there were two men trying to r*pe a girl.....I immediately ran and pushed the men who was hovering over the girl....other started to hit me and I fought with them....

They both got highly injured and so did I....I had a cut on my arm and a cut in my cheek....one of the man ran away leaving his fellow....my anger raised when I saw the girl sobbing in the corner trying to cover herself so I took a metal rod that was lying in a corner and started to hit the man....I hit him till hw lost his whole blood and died on the spot.....that time I understood that there are many evil people who abuse and hurt the weak peoples so I thought to help them....and slowly slowly I started my own gang...."kook spoke even if he had told everything to tae...there was a fear in him what if tae will see him as a monster who killed someone so mercilessly......

That is why he didn't looked at tae the whole time he was speaking....he looked at tae when he received no reply from other just to witness a wide boxy smile .....

"Woow koo...you are really brave and kind hearted....I am proud of you"tae spoke ....

"Huh??... aren't you disgusted or feels like I am a  monster who killed someone like that"kook asked titling his head a little....and tae found this thing of kook so adorable....

"Why would I feel any of that.....you did a great job killing those who were harassing that girl....I am even so impressed that you didn't just left seeing someone getting harass you helped that girl even if she was no one to you....."tae spoke ....tears formed in kook's eyes as tae praised him....

He have always heard people calling him heartless monster....he had always believed that too because he kills people without any mercy....but today hearing that someone was proud of him he felt overwhelmed....tae shook his head as he saw kook's teary eyes...he cupped kook's face and squeezed his cheeks....

"Aigooo....is the big bunny crying....awww .. don't cry bunny....if you stop crying we will go on a date"tae spoke....and hearing the word date kook's eyes sparkled....

"Rweallwy"kook asked his voice was coming muffled as tae was squeezing his cheeks...

"Huh"tae spoke but smile when kook patted his hands which were cupping kook's face....

He pulled his hands back"really...you will come on a date with me"kook asked with wide doe eyes and the bright bunny smile....

"Yes...but after you get healed"tae spoke....

"I am totally fine ...ouch"kook spoke as he tried to standing hurriedly but hiss when the wound hurted him....

"Koo....sit down....you are still injured and if you will be like this forget what I said ok"tae spoke strictly as kook nodded with a small pout....

"Ok fine but you can't back away from you words ok sweet heart"kook spoke to which tae nodded.....

"By the way....what happened to that girl"tae asked....

"I asked her about her family but she told me that she had ran away from her house as her parents died and her uncle was going to sell her.....so I took her with me to orphanage where she started to live"kook spoke....

"Oh what's her name"tae asked....

"Lisa....she stays with me and hyung now as she also works in my gang"kook spoke....

"Oh so you both are living together for years.... don't you feel attracted to her all this years"tae asked....kook smiled softly as he bopped tae's nose with his finger....

"Never....she is like a sister to me....and I had never attracted to any one until the day you shouted at me"kook spoke staring at tae's berry blue eyes which he love so much....

And he isn't lieing he ne er got attracted to anyone until he met tae....and for tae he is not just attracted but he has fallen for this sassy angel who is now the reason of his happiness.....

Tae felt thousands of butterflies dancing in his stomach as kook was staring at him...he cleared his throat...and stood up...

"I will bring something for us"tae spoke and hurriedly left....

"Waahh he will be end of me...."kook spoke putting his palm on his chest where his heart was thumping rapidly.....

Next chapter....

"His name is min yoongi I hope you don't mind if he and his husband comes over"kook asked to namjin and got two different reactions.....Jin smiled widely where Joon had a cold face on.....

Tae was just praying that kook's plan got succeed....


To be continue....

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss....


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