With Him Forever

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Warning: Sex in this chapter.
Vanessa December 2015
Today, Usnavi is graduating with his bachelors. He has worked hard this last year and a half to graduate early so he can go to law school. I am so stinking proud of him.
In the last year, our relationship has grown stronger than ever. I adore him and he adores me. He is amazing with Javi and loves my son like his own. Javi has started calling him Daddy.
"Mommy, where Daddy?"
"He will be walking across the stage any moment."
"Javi, why don't you come sit with Abuelo," Luis says. Javi eagerly goes to him. Javi snuggles into Luis and smiles.
I look at Lilliana and she takes my hand.
"I am so thankful that you and Luis and accepted us into your family."
"Honey, we always knew you and Usnavi would end up together. You have always been like a daughter to us. If Usnavi can accept Javier as his own, so can we. We love you Vanessa."

A few moments later, they start the ceremony. When Usnavi's name is called, Javier cheers loud. Usnavi hears him, smiles, and waves. When he sees me, he blows a kiss, which melts my heart.
After the ceremony, Javier runs to Usnavi when they see each-other. Usnavi scoops him up and kisses Javi  on the cheek multiple times.
"I saw you Daddy."
"You did?"
"Yeah! Abuelo and I cheered for you!"
"Thank you bud."
I walk up and kiss him gently. "I am so proud of you."
"Thank you Amor."
"Bubba, mom says we can go eat when you are ready. Are you ready?"
"Marisol!" Lilliana scolds.
Usnavi just laughs and hugs Mari. "Almost. I have something I want to do before we get to dinner. Mom, do you have what I asked for?"
Lilly turns and nods. "Yeah."
She walks over and hands Alex something before kissing him on the cheek. I give Usnavi a look and he looks nervous. He hands Javier to Mami. He then takes my hands.
"Vanessa, I want to do this here in-front of everyone we know and love."
My heart starts to pound.
"Vanessa, I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I have know since we were 15, that I want to marry you one day. A few years ago, I worried I would never get this chance. I am so thankful that you were brought back to us. So today, on one of the biggest days of my life, I want to ask you the most important question in my life. Vanessa Maria Ortega, would you do me the honor of allowing be to become your husband?"
My heart pounds and my eyes fill with tears.
"This was my birth mom's ring. I believe she would love you and want you to have it."
I can't say anything. All I can do is nod. His face beams and he places the ring on my finger.
"Perfect fit. I guess it is mean to be."
He stands up and pulls me into him. I cup his face and kiss him deeply and our friends and family cheer. When we part, I rest my head on his.
"I love you so much Usnavi."
"I love you too Vanessa."
I feel mom's hand on my back and turn to hug her tightly. Mami kisses my head and rubs my back.
"I am so happy for you Mija."
"Thank you Mami."
"You know, he came to ask us for your hand last week. We told him it was unnecessary but gave him my blessing. I have no doubt the two of you will make a great couple."
I turn and hug Mami tightly. "Thank you."

That night, mom and mami watch Javier while Usnavi and I go back to my apartment. We are watching a movie together when I finally work up the courage to pull him into a deep kiss. Soon we are making out and I allow my hands to roam. I place my hand near the top of his thigh and he jumps a little.
"Navi, I have been thinking about this for a while. I want to make love to you. I want tonight to be the night."
He pulls back and looks me in the eyes. "Are you sure?"
"Yes! I love you Usnavi. I have been working up the courage to ask you for a month now. I am on birth control and I have condoms in my purse. I want you. I love you with my whole being and want to show that to you in a new way tonight."
He cups my face and kisses me gently. "Okay. Let's do this."
He takes my hand and leads me towards my bedroom. I stop and grab the condoms before we get back there. My heart pounds as he shuts the door behind up.
"Vanessa, Amor, are you sure your ready for this. You are trembling."
I walk over and kiss him. "Yes. I am ready. Just a bit nervous."
"We will take it slow."
I nod. With shaking hands, I reach up and unbutton his shirt. I am a little breathless when I see him shirtless. I've seen him shirtless before but tonight is different. I touch his chest gently. I then wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart. It sounds as rapid as mine feels. His arms are wrapped around me and he is rubbing my back. I look up and he bends down to kiss me. I then back up, remove my shirt and pants, and sit on the bed. I pull him to me and before we know it, we are both naked. We lay on my bed facing each other.
"Are you ready Vanessa? I will prepare you. I will be gentle."
I nod and scoot closer to him. He pulls me into him and we are kissing, skin to skin. After a moment, his hand goes between my thighs and he begins to rub. I gasp and thrust my hips closer. He grins and kisses my chest.
"You are so beautiful Vanessa."
"So are... you. Handsome... I mean," I say between breaths. I feel a coil building up in me and he rubs and kisses my chest. He laughs and does it a little longer. Then, just as I feel like I am going to fall over a cliff, his hand stops.
"What? Why, why did you stop!"
"Because I feel you are ready for a little more."
That is when I feel a finger right at my entrance.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, I need more."
His finger easily slides into me. Moments later, he slides a second and then a third finger into me. After the third finger, it only takes a few strokes before I am moaning his name as bliss fills my body. When I finally catch my breath, he looks at me and kisses my deeply
"Are you ready Vanessa? Can I go to the next step?"
I nod and he climbs on top of me. I feel him, big and strong, at my entrance. I cling to him as he pushes inside me. He is only a little ways inside, and I already feel fuller than I ever have. It hurts a little and he must see it on my face. He kisses the tear that has fallen.
"Do I need to stop?"
"No! Push all the way in and then give me a moment," I say breathless.
He pushes all the way in at that and freezes. I cling to his arm so tight, in sure I will bruise it. He kisses my face and chest as I adjust. When the pain finally subsides, I give him the signal that he can move again. As he moves inside me, for the first time, I feel real pleasure. After a little while, I feel myself getting close again.
When I let go and see stars. He makes a sound that lets me know he is seeing the same stars. While I recover, he pulls out and cleans himself up before laying beside me and holding me to him. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat again. As I lay on him, emotions fill me and I begin to cry.
"Nessa, Amor, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
"No! It's just, I worried I would never enjoy what we just did. I worried I would have panic attacks or flashbacks. I didn't even have a slight bit of panic. It felt right. All of it, with you, felt right. Now, I never want to leave your arms."
He hugs me close and shakes with laughter. "You will have me forever Vanessa. Before we know it, you will be Mrs Delavega. You will be with me forever."

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