Chapter 1.

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Double Trouble

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Double Trouble

You blinked a normal amount more than Wednesday as she never would lose a staring contest. The only time she ever blinked was with a few people and those few people only.

People rushed away from you both allowing a trail to be made before you. Black and white heels clicking down the halls as you made your way down it. Teachers staring at the both of you intently. Students whispering your names as if it were a plague. Though you didn't mind what they had to say. Whatever they did say only made you laugh out loud at their attempts to belittle your confidence. To you what they spoke about you could never hurt you.

The saying of sticks and stones may break my bones but words would never hurt me. Yeah that was all true but you twisted it to something more. Your saying is, sticks and stone may break bones but they can simply cut through your limbs if made into an ax.

Heading up to a locker covered in graffiti the letters and drawings in black sharpie. You had to laugh at the sight of it, harassing your younger brother, like this. It was ridiculous, child plays. Wednesday unlocked and opened the locker and Puglsey tied up by a red rope, and a red apple in his mouth. His eyes widened as he fell onto the ground with a heavy thump.

You didn't waste a second moment untying him as Wednesday questioned him, demanding, "I want names." She says after taking the apple from his mouth.

Pugsley whimpers out, "I don't know who they were, honest!" His eyes held pure fear in them. "It happened so fast."

Wednesday scoffed, "Pugsley, emotions equals weaknesses." She then tells him, "Pull yourself together."

Wednesday believed such things but you were quite the opposite, you harnessed emotions rather than push them away like your sisters did. Staring at Pugsley softly you told him, "Unless you harness it and turn it into power."

Your sister glares at you for a max of two seconds before tearing her eyes away from you entirely, placing her hands on Pugsley wrists before her head shoots upwards. You knew what was going on, you weren't blind to these sorts of things. And Wednesday never could hide it from you even if she tried. She was having a vision seeing who was terrorizing your brother. Going back to her original state, she breathes a little heavily.

Pugsley looks at her concerned as you hide your emotions from your eyes. She looks down at your brother, assuring him, "Leave this to us." One glance at you and you got up off your knees and followed right after her.

Pugsley sat up quickly staring at the both of you. "Wednesday, Y/n," He had come to call out. "What are you going to do?"

The black haired teenager slightly smirked at the plan she was currently forming in her head, "What we do best." And the two of you were off.

Whilst walking down the halls after the bell rang, you ask, "Who did it?"

"Idiotic jocks, the water polo team," Wednesday simply answers with a monotone voice.

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