Chapter 8.

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Secret Societies

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Secret Societies

Once getting to your dorm you quickly changed into much more comfortable pairs of clothes. The sound of rain softly playing in the background. Calming down your body and mind. Sitting there for hours upon hours slowly allows you to not be overwhelmed by everything but a few things.

A knock disturbs you. You sat there staring at the door. Go away. You pleaded in your mind. There wasn't another knock instead the door opened and in came your sister. Her eyes landed on your huddled position. You hug your leg.

She spoke her mind, with her hands, I found where the book came from. Her voice was soft and calm and quiet. Trying her best not to ruin the volume the room held. She kept her distance from you, giving you a large space. I was thinking we would go together, She proposes. But if you wish to not join me then I understand.

You signed back to her, Will there be anyone else? Wednesday shook her head. You peeled yourself away from yourself. Moving to grab your headphones and phone, grabbing them, you put on music and went straight to your twin closing the huge gap the both of you had.

With that Wednesday guided you all the way back to the Edgar Allen Poe statue. Getting there, she turns on her flashlight, standing on the statue as you stood there on guard, watching to see if anyone had come. The Addams girl jotted down quickly in a notepad before stepping down the statue, turning towards the statue, she raises a hand, her fingers pressing together as she snaps twice.

The crow's wings moved downwards, moving inward to Edgar. The statue moved backwards granting access to a secret room. You headed towards the inside of the secret library. Paintings hung on the wall. Seeing this is where your visions came from. Wednesday took a step back as she allowed you to find the book all on your own, being guided by your vision.

Finding it within a second, you gave it to Wednesday, she was cautious as to not touch your hand, grabbing a hold of the book and slipping it into her bag.

The both of you head off ready to leave but something throws a hood over your head and yanks you off of your feet. Yet no sounds left your lips.

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Being unclothed, the ropes that bound your wrist made you uncomfortable so you untied them quickly not wanting to feel how the rope dug and rubbed against your wrists. Blinding lights. Sounds coming all over. It started to overwhelm you. Your earbuds taken away from you.

"Who dares breach our inner sanctum?" A distorted voice demands.

"You can take the mask off Biacna." Wednesday states.

Everyone around takes off their hoods and masks. The once blinding lights turned off. "Wait, I preferred you with it on." Wednesday hums out.

Finding your headphones in the hands of a siren you head over to them. Holding out your hand for them. They stared at you curiously and confused. "How did she..."

Anger flashes in your eyes, you turned towards Wednesday and started signing aggressively, He has my fucking stuff! I want it back before I rip this little bitch to fucking shreds!

Wednesday glares at the siren boy. "I suggest you give her things back before you end up in a guillotine," She threatened.

"What things?"

Everything in you changed like a switch, you gestured to his hands and he continued to act like a dumb buffoon. Every ounce of self control you once had left your body. Every ounce of being overwhelmed by touch was thrown out of the window. Fuck it! You clenched your fist tightly, it slowly turned white. Cocking your arm back, you threw a hard right hook. Hooking him in the jaw.

A pained groan left his lips as he dropped your stuff onto the ground. He grabs a hold of his jaw. Lowering yourself you grab your belongings and slip your earbuds in, blasting your music once again and sit at the bottom steps of the stairs not bothering with partaking in the secret society.

Time passed and when Wednesday made her way towards you, you stood up and waited as she went up the stairs following right after her like a white shadow.

Time passed and when Wednesday made her way towards you, you stood up and waited as she went up the stairs following right after her like a white shadow

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