Chapter 4.

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Killer Fairs

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Killer Fairs

Fairs were never really your thing. Mainly because of the crowded areas and loud volumes that hurt your ears. The only time you really could enjoy it was when no one was around and you were just by your family side.

Enid's face scrunched as she asks, "Are you sure you trust that normie?"

"I trust that I can handle myself."

The three of you turned to one another. "Well... good luck and safe travels." Enid smiles, raising her arms towards your sister she goes to give her a hug but Wednesday takes a step back. "Still not a hugger." She then turns towards you with her arms raised and takes a daring step towards you. You stood like a statue so she took this as her chance to hug you. Wrapping her long lanky arms around your body in a tight manner.

In return you softly patted her back with one hand not bothering raising the other. After the hug she skipped away with a huge smile on her face.

Feeling a hand grasps yours, your sister pulled you towards a booth. One hand still latched onto you while the other began throwing darts perfectly hitting all the balloons.

"Jeez." Xavier spoke up, making you turn your head towards him. "You get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack."

The man redoes the balloon when seeing Wednesday done with the game. And he hands the panda towards her. You grab it and place it on the ground. Grabbing a couple of darts you throw them towards the balloons hitting the same ones as Wednesday did. As you just repeated her action mindlessly.

Finished, you grabbed the panda and handed it to Xavier. "It's yours." Xavier said with his eyebrows bunched up together.

"Clearly me and my sister don't want it. You get to have it." You said. For some odd reason talking to him was much easier. The words that left your mouth made you feel like a normie. Talking made you feel like a normie.

He licks his lips as if pondering the idea of your offer. "Is this why the tortured artists end up dying alone? Because he doesn't allow himself to have feminine gifts?" You couldn't help but tease.

A small smile appeared on his face. A chuckle escaping it. "You win Addams, you win." He says to you. Taking the panda into his arms.


"See you around... moonlight." And with that he left.

Moonlight. Was it a pet name? Or a nickname? Now that was a question never going to be answered as you were leaving that night.

Wednesday grabs a hold of your hand and tugs you away. Stopping in the parking lot in front of Tyler. She didn't dare let you go. "Hey before you leave, I wanted you two to have this." He holds up two different kinds of folders. "One of them is your dad's police file from when he was at Nevermore." Wednesday took it. You grabbed the other one. "The second one is about your mom. Biological mom." It caught you off guard. Your mother had a file too? Now this intrigued you to no possible end. A file that connected you with your actual white blood brethren.

You held the file close to your chest. How did Tyler ever manage this? How was he able to acquire such a thing? This was all hurting your mind a little too much. All these questions and barely any answers. Answers that you had to ask. Ask him. Ask him. ASK him. ASK HIM! ASK HIM!!! Your mind yells at you.

But another part of your mind began whirling in thought as curiosity ate you alive. Your mother was in this very file. A file that allowed you answers. Answers that filled this void in your heart of knowing your biological parents. Pulling it away from your chest you looked down at the file before you.

M/n L/N. That was her name. M/n L/n.

You quickly put the file into your bag not wanting it to get damaged whatsoever. Tuning back into the conversation that Wednesday and Tyler were having. "I prefer spooky."


"Now my train leaves in an hour. We're burning moonlight." Wednesday connects your hands once again and pulls you in between the cars only to be stopped by the three pilgrims all dressed in normal clothes and with bats. If only you had brought a shotgun—feeling someone yank you backwards.

"Come on Wednesday, Monday!" Tyler then proposes a plan, "We can lose them in the crowd."

The three of you started running past people that gave you weird stares. The fair games coming and going from sight. The three children are still in search of you holding their bats menacingly. Running deeper into the fair.

Wednesday ends up bumping into someone when stuffing your guy's father file into her bag only to be thrown into a vision. Her body threw her backwards. Instinctively your hands wrap around hers, your eyes being clouded as you too were thrown in the vision. A book. An animal eye. A raven's wings. Someone in a school fountain as the school tree was being lit aflame. Cawing. A skull. The book hitting the ground caused dust. The teenager that Wednesday had come to bump into was laying on the ground. Blood spilling all over his face as his screams fill the air.

Blinking back into reality. Both you and your sister stare at each other in bewilderment. Now that has never happened before. The both of you flung into a vision together. Yet her eyes didn't linger long as she looked over at the walking teenager. "Wednesday, Monday we have to go!" Tyler urges them.

Wednesday takes off, running after the student, yelling, "Rowan, come back!" And the two were off.

Tyler stares at you with shock but you don't look at him as you watch your sister leave your side. Things were changing and they were changing fast. Did you like it? Or did you fear it? Now that's up for you to decide.

Running after your sister. Chasing after her with zero thoughts. Nothing going on in your mind. All that was in there was her.

Finally catching up to them you hear the words, "No! My mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore, because she will destroy the school and everyone in it." Your eyes landed on Rowan's outstretched arm and Wednesday's body stuck high up in a tree.

Your e/c landed on Rowan, instincts coming over you. Your feet glided on the ground heading up to the glasses wearing teenage boy, grabbing his outstretched hand you bent his wrist at an ungodly angle. Before slamming his elbow into your bent leg. A sickening crack and screams filling the air.

Wednesday dropped from the tree and onto the ground. You immediately went to her side, placing your arms on her shoulders. Her dark eyes stared before her with a wide look. One that didn't hold amusement or horror. No, they held an unreadable look. Following her line of sight you saw the beast right before you slamming Rowan into the ground and slicing him into pieces. The visions coming to life.

Once done, the beast looks at both you and Wednesday before running off. Wednesday headed over to Rowan with you following in pursuit. A piece of paper falling on his corpse. One that Wednesday picked up. The both of you stared at it, intently.

Both of your eyes connected. Both filled with their own wonders and curiosity, with their questions that will forever remain unheard and fall on deaf ears. It was only a matter of time they were answered by finding it through other sources.

 It was only a matter of time they were answered by finding it through other sources

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