Chapter 5.

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Archery & Plants

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Archery & Plants

The next day went what you would call the opposite of flawless. Every class period besides fifth was a pure train wreck. You practically sat in the back of the classroom trying your best not to be mentioned or seen. Showing up early enough so that you weren't forced to sit by anyone too anxious to speak with them.

Yet their eyes were on you like dogs when seeing a sight of fresh meat. It was unsettling for you to be put in that type of situation. It made your brain crawl and not the good kind. And it didn't help that your body had both an anxious and another feeling you've never been able to identify; it pierced everywhere on your body and it stung. To find a sort of comfort you held your own hand and dug your nails in the back reminding yourself that Wednesday was still there just not physically present but there. Reminding yourself with the thoughts of just four more periods. Just three more periods. And so on until Weems' eyes caught you.

She had given you a small list of clubs to join. And by small list she outright walked you to the one outside of your talents that you never did care to learn. Placing you there, she left you there right besides the torture artist. Oh how everywhere you went he was just right there waiting for you patiently. It was odd and yet a part of you liked it; a dangerous amount of it too.

"Hey moonlight." There was that nick or pet name again. Ones that had come to cause a flutter in your stomach. To cause your heart to skip a beat. Were you about to have a stroke?

"Moonlight?" Your heart spoke against your mind. For some odd reason you liked his presence. And every word you seem to say during your last interactions had never made him hurt you verbally.

"Do you not know what a pet name is?"

"Pet names are used by a singular person, it's more intimate than a regular nickname." You informed him flatly sharing your knowledge.

His laugh filled the air. It caught you incredibly off guard. Why was he laughing? Was there something funny in your remark? Last time you checked there wasn't. "Good thing to know you know pet names."

"Why do you call me, Moonlight?"

Xavier places an arrow in his bow as he clicks his mouth, thinking of an answer. "Do you allow anyone to give you nicknames?" He dodges the question. Preparing himself to shoot.

You frowned but answered him anyway, "No, they can use my name."

He shoots, missing the bullseye. "Am I the only one allowed to call you moonlight, Moonlight?"

"No and stop calling me that." You hissed out. The feelings you felt for this pet name barely registered in your brain and it annoyed you to no possible end.

The long straight haired teenager turned towards you with a sly smile that enchanted others. "Alright... moonlight." An irritated groan left your lips. "Ready to shoot some arrows." He moved the subject.

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