Chapter 7.

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Poe Cup

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Poe Cup

Competing was something you barely acknowledge unless of course it meant doing it alongside Wednesday. Though dressing up for it was something you never thought of doing at all. Dressed up as a black cat. With white stripes on your outfit.

You felt stupid with the leather that fit snugly on your body. Absolutely ridiculous. Wearing light makeup, white liner of whiskers and a black nose. This was something so out of your element.

Holding a paddle. Your eyes scanned each team individually taking in every one of them. Teams of four for each dorm hall.

Your eyes scanned the team of Jester's, taking them in. A Gorgon sat in the very front, his name being Ajax. Enid had come to keep talking about him non stop when you stayed over last night, Thing would occasionally come over and make sure you were doing your nails correctly before returning back to your twin.

Your e/c landed on none other than the tortured artists, Xavier Thorpe. His eyes trickled over to you. His face painted into a clown, a very messed up version of it. His lips drawn past the corners of his heading towards his cheeks. Big black eyes that went in a huge circle covering his eyebrow. White powder on his face and neck. His green eyes see you as well.

He looks you up and down and smirks. "Nice outfit, Moonlight." He says.

Furrowing your eyebrows. Did he mean that in a teasing way or a giving compliment way. "Nice makeup... Stars" You say in return. Figuring out a pet name on the spot. Logically the reason why you said that was because stars are so close with the moon and they sparkled alongside the moonlight. But emotionally... you didn't know why you just gave him a pet name. Perhaps it was to see his reaction to it.

His smirk widened at hearing it. Looking at his feet, he shakes his head.

"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allen Poe Cup." Weems said. "This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions. Dating back 125 years. Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges." She explains to everyone. She then raises the gun high up in the air. "Let the Poe Cup begin!"

Once the shot was heard all four teams sprang into action. You rowed your heart out. Team Jester came close into contact with your team's boat. "Oh excuse us." Xavier smirks.

Lifting up your paddle, you jabbed side and a yelp left his lips. "Sorry!" You pretended to do it by accident.

"You're going to regret that." He says lowly.

You gave him a challenging look.

His team ends up ahead of you as another takes their spot. You all duck as an ax comes slashing above you before it's tugged back to its side of the boat. Something from under starts pushing the purple boat towards a metal buoy breaking it in half.

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