Chapter 2.

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White Rose

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White Rose

Learning that you and Wednesday did not share a dorm room but in fact was placed into two different dorms. You weren't making a huge fit about it if it weren't for the fact that you two were in completely different areas. Wednesday was roomed with a bright werewolf that was named Enid. You barely got the chance to meet her roommate as she was rushed out of her room with the blonde haired teenager and you weren't allowed to go with her. Weems orders.

Instead Weems took you and your parents to your dorm that wasn't simply down the hall or next door instead it was on a completely different floor, the third floor. Upon entering your room you awaited to be met with someone already in there, a roommate of your own. And yet it was completely empty with only one bed. Furrowing your eyebrows together you watched as Weems entered more into the room turning before you and your parents.

"Your mother has told me you don't do well with change." Weems hums out. "And that you get anxious around new people." Anxious wasn't the word. Yes you did get anxious around others you didn't know but that was because you didn't know how to speak to them. Couldn't articulate the right form of words to help please their ears. You cared about what you had to say. It needed meaning, not something to be said mindlessly. Unless of course you were being tortured for answers then you become mindless at that point. "So I've taken the liberty of getting you a room all to yourself." Weems continue to dawn her smile upon you.

Gomez says out loud, "Isn't that wonderful, my little serpent." Turning to your parents you knew they had something at play. And if not it certainly said in your file told by none other than them.

Weems walked past you and said, "You can unpack, someone will come get you shortly." She nods her head towards your parents.

Gomez places a soft tender kiss on your head, whispering, "Goodbye, my storm." He turns to the door and heads towards it and waits for your mother there.

Morticia headed up to you with a soft tender look. Lifting her hands, she places them delicately on your shoulders. "My little one." Hearing the old pet name that she had come to call you when you were younger. She had started to call you it when a child had come to bully you that you would never be an Addams as long as your blood wasn't the same shade as theirs. Even now it was one of your biggest insecurities that you never dare to speak aloud. You thought of it as an embarrassing one. Others saw it as a moment of weakness. She drags a hand across your cheek in such a loving manner. "My darling second born daughter." She brings you in for a hug, her arms draped around you as yours clamped on one another allowing the hug to come. "Me and your father love you very much, and if you grow to miss us we're just a crystal ball away."

You nod your head the words that had formed in your head had come to be choked in the middle of your throat never allowing you to speak them. Morticia pulled out a necklace, a talisman one specially designed for you. You had to laugh a little seeing as you walked in one your mother making one for Wednesday. The talisman had your first initial. Taking it from her grasp your fingers held it delicately as if it were glass itself. Not wasting any second you clasp it around your neck. Morticia and Gomez had always tried their best to make you feel a part of their family even if you weren't biologically theirs, they loved and adored you with every fiber of their being.

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