Imagine your and Ace's first Christmas together

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Requested by Manimoo906. I hope you like it :)

It was the first Christmas you and Ace would be spending together as a couple – your first Christmas living together – and you wanted everything to be perfect.

While your boyfriend didn't care about Christmas nearly as much as you did, he was happy to oblige your wishes and let you do what you obviously thought you had to do.

He knew Christmas was very important to you, and did his best to make it perfect for you.

He watched with a smile as you put up Christmas decorations in every room, eventually leaving to hang out with his Cobras when the Christmas music you had blaring on full volume became too annoying for him.

He lended a helping hand when you baked Christmas cookies, kissing you to distract you from the fact that he was stealing the fresh cookies from behind your back (though of course you noticed anyway).

He drove to get a Christmas tree with you, and only slightly complained about all the needles the stupid thing left behind all over his car.

He even hung up a mistletoe his very self, because in his opinion out of all the Christmas traditions in the world the one that gave him an excuse to kiss his beautiful girlfriend was the best, and the only one he cared about.

He got you a present he was sure you would like, and didn't utter a single complaint when you insisted on having Christmas music playing while you opened the presents.

Anything to make his girl happy.

Anything but this.

"You can't be serious."

But the way you pushed out your bottom lip and looked up at him with pleading eyes told him you very much were.

"Please, Ace."

"Absolutely not." Despite his refusal he picked up the red fabric with the green pattern and held it at arm's length. "I'm not wearing that. No way, Sweetheart."

You batted your eyes at him in addition to your pouting. "You said you'd do anything to make this Christmas perfect for me, remember?"

There was no use denying it, so Ace nodded.

You had been stressing over the fact that this would be the first time you would spend the holiday away from your family, but insisted on spending it with your boyfriend — alone with your boyfriend, because your family couldn't stand Ace, and he wanted nothing to do with his.

To cheer you up he had promised to go along with anything it took to make your Christmas perfect.

Even now he didn't regret that promise, despite what you were asking of him. All that mattered was seeing you happy, and he was willing to go to great lengths to achieve that goal.

He sighed in defeat, and got up, watching a big smile make it's way onto your face.

"You'll put it on, yes?"


When he walked back into the room Ace took a moment to take in the sight of you sitting under the tree in your Christmas pajamas. Green with a red pattern, the matching negative to the ones you had just forced him into.

Then you turned around to look at him, and your attempt to hold back your laugh inevitably failed. It was simply too strange seeing the toughest guy in town wearing silly Christmas pajamas.

Ace crossed his arms.

If he'd been anyone else you would have said he was sulking, but for a guy like him that didn't seem like the right word.

"Sorry, I swear I'm not laughing at you," you were quick to assure him. "You look great, 's just really weird to see you like that."

Ace rolled his eyes. Whose fault was it that he was wearing these ridiculous pajamas?

"You're lucky I love you," he grumbled.

"Mhh, I know. Very lucky." You stepped closer and leaned in to press a kiss to his lips. "Now will you watch a Christmas movie with me? Please?"

He sighed. "Yeah. Yeah, I will. On the one condition that you make us hot chocolate to go with the movie."

You smiled and kissed him again. "Gladly."

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