Bed Rest (Ace's sister)

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You opened the front door and stepped inside, letting your dog sit while you shrugged off your raincoat and boots. You reached for a towel to dry off your dog, then–

"You're supposed to be in bed."

Turning around you saw your brother standing in the hall, arms crossed and a stern look on his face.

"I'm fine, Ace. We just went for a small walk."

Your dog was getting impatient, but before you could take care of it Ace's hand was brushing damp hair from your face to reach your forehead and feel your temperature.

"You should be in bed," he repeated.

You shivered in the cold air coming in through the open door, but refused to admit that Ace was right.

"I'll go right back to bed, okay? But I know you don't like walking the dog and some fresh air is good for me, isn't it?"

"Yeah, fresh air is. But going outside in the rain when you already have a fever is not. And don't even try lying to me, I can tell you're still sick."

You rolled your eyes and finally knelt down to dry your dogs paws.

"Okay, maybe I'm still a little sick," you answered your brother while doing so, "but I'm already feeling better."

"You still shouldn't be running around in the rain, you fucking idiot. Now it's probably gonna get worse again."

You were done with your dog and let it inside, finally closing the door behind it.

Ace noticed you rubbing your arms to warm up and immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulders and walked you to your room. When you had reached it he let go of you, grabbed your pajama and thrusted it into your arms.

"I'll make you some tea. When I come back in here you better be changed and back in bed, you hear me?"

You nodded obediently.

As promised Ace came back with a cup of tea a few minutes later. He found you laying in bed, but to his dismay you hadn't pulled the covers over yourself. He set the cup down on your bedstand and did it for you, tugging you in with the blanket up to your chin, despite your protests.

"Ace, it's too warm in here!"

"No it's not. It just feels like that because you got a fever, Baby. You gotta keep warm anyway. And I think we both know that in a few minutes you'll be saying you're cold again."

"I know," you whined. "But it's so warm right now!"

Ace sighed as you pushed the covers off, and pulled them back over you, although not all the way this time.
He sat down on the edge of your bed and handed you the tea.

"Here, drink. It's your favorite."

You took the cup and exaggeratedly blew on the tea to cool it before drinking from it. After one sip you put it back on the nightstand. You weren't thirsty.

"Ace? I'm bored."

"Why don't you try to sleep a little?" your brother suggested.

"Nh-nh. Wanna do something."

"Yeah, well, you're not leaving this bed until your fever goes down." He walked over to your record player and put on your favorite album at a low volume. "There. Now quit whining and drink your tea."

You obliged, but it didn't take long until you started complaining again.

"Ace, I'm cold. Come cuddle with me."

"No. I don't wanna catch your fever. This is your own fault for going out in the rain like a fucking idiot."

But it only took one look at the puppy eyes you were giving him to make Ace relent.
He climbed into bed next to you and, after you crawled on top of him and got comfortable with his shoulder as your pillow, tightly wrapped the covers around you.

You drank the rest of your tea, and Ace took the cup from you and put it on your nightstand. You snuggled up closer to him, still cold.

"Ace, 'm tired."

"Go to sleep then. You'll feel better when you wake up."

"You'll stay with me, yeah?"

"I got other things to do too, y'know?"

You pouted a little. "Please."

He sighed.

"I'll stay here till you're asleep, okay?"

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