The Tattoo (Ace's sister)

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"Hey, can I get the cobra tattoo next?"

Eyeball had just finished giving it to Billy, and you didn't want to wait for your turn any longer.

Your older brother Ace looked at you like you had gone crazy.

"Absolutely not."

You frowned.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means there's no way in hell I'm letting you get the tattoo."

You jumped up from your spot on the hood of a car, hurt and anger flooding your veins.

You thought you were one of them, Ace had even said so himself.
You spent all your time with them, wherever you went the others weren't far, and people knew not to mess with you. Messing with one of the Cobras meant messing with all of them, and the other Cobras were particularly protective of you.
They affectionately called your their little princess, even though you weren't much younger than them, and if someone implied you weren't a real part of the gang and that they only let you hang around because you were Ace's sister they were ready to throw hands.

And now you were all getting matching gang tattoos, all except you.
How could you not feel betrayed?

Ace watched as your bottom lip trembled and you fought to keep enough of your composure to speak without bursting into tears, but you were too upset, so instead you stormed off towards Ace's car, getting into the passenger seat where you hugged your knees to your chest and hid your face against them.

The other Cobras, who had silently watched all this unfold, uneasily looked between you and your brother.

Everything stayed silent for a few minutes until Ace eventually called out to you.

"Y/N, stop being a fucking brat and get your ass back here."

You remained where you were, unmoving until Ace called again. The second time he told you to come back you shook your head. "Nh-nh"

Ace fought with himself a bit before he gave in and came over to you.
Getting in the car he tried to get a look at your face but you still hid it against your knees.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

The annoyance in his voice made you want to talk to him even less. But when you didn't answer Ace reached for your face, forcing you to look at him and was shocked to find your eyes glistening with unshed tears.
He had been almost convinced you were just being a brat, trying to make him cave and give you the tattoo by making a fuss.
Seeing you actually upset disturbed him. He didn't understand what you were so upset about, so he asked again, softer this time.

"C'mon, Princess, talk to me."

You stayed silent, but just when Ace thought you weren't going to answer him at all you did.

"Why don't you want me to get the tattoo?"

Ace sighed, so he had been right and you were really just having a childish tantrum.


"You said I'm a Cobra too," a single tear flowed down your cheek, and by the way your voice trembled Ace was sure more would follow if he didn't manage to calm you down quickly. "But if you don't want me to get the tattoo I guess I ain't."

Suddenly Ace realized why you were so worked up.
You had misunderstood him.

"Of course you're one of us. You're our little princess."

Another tear.

"Then why can't I-"

Your brother interrupted you. "I meant not yet. I won't let you get it yet."

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