Nail Polish, Pudding, Patience (Ace's sister/Ace x Eyeball)

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Requested by MionSnojkorn. Hope you like what I did with it <3

"Okay, I've had enough. Get out of my kitchen, both of you!" Ace slapped his sister's hand away from the carrots on the kitchen counter while simultaneously trying to keep an eye on his boyfriend who was getting suspiciously close to the stove. "Go to your room or watch TV or something, I don't care."

"But Ace!"

"No. You're in the way. And if you keep eating all the food before I can cook it there won't be any left for dinner, Princess."

Eyeball, who had just been reaching around Ace for some food, also got his hand slapped away now.

Y/N started pouting, but her brother didn't give her a chance to start whining.

"Didn't you want to paint Richie's nails, Sweetie? Now's your chance. I'll call you when dinner is ready."

A smile lit up her face and Ace knew he had convinced her. His boyfriend was less happy about the idea.

"Why did you have to remind her?" he groaned.

Ace simply took his boyfriend by the shoulders and turned him around, pushing him toward the door.

"If you're nice and let me cook in peace you'll get a reward," Ace promised with a wink.

Though the remark had not been directed at her, Y/N jumped at the opportunity. "Pudding for dessert?!"

Ace sighed. "Yeah, okay, if you don't bother me until I call you for dinner I'll make pudding for dessert."

He gave his boyfriend a kiss, both of them grinning about his sister, and lightly smacked his butt before he turned back to the kitchen.

In Y/N's room she headed straight for her dresser, opened the drawer in which she kept her cosmetics and forced Eyeball to take a seat on her fluffy carpet, the little bag with all her nail polishes in hand.

His protests fell on deaf ears. The only act of free will she was willing to allow him was to let him choose himself what color he would be forced to wear.

"Don't be such a baby, Richard. It's not like nail polish will hurt you!"

He crossed his arms over his chest and continued to try and elude his fate. "It's stupid. I don't want nail polish."

"Then you're not getting pudding."


"No 'but'. You're staying with us the next three days, and we ain't going nowhere, so it's not like anyone besides me and Ace will see! I'll remove it before you go home."

"You better. I can't have my old man catch me wearing nail polish."

"I know, Richie. He won't find out. Now hold still and take it like a man, would you?!"

With a heavy sigh he surrendered, pointing to the bottle containing Y/N's black nail polish.

She picked it up, put the others back into their bag, and reached for Eyeball's hand. He made one last feeble attempt of pulling away, but she had already snatched his hand and was bringing the brush to his nail.

"Hold still. If I spill nail polish on my carpet because of you I'm locking you up in my secret torture chamber, I swear."

"You don't have a torture chamber."

"Yeah, I do. You just don't know because it's secret."

"Alright, Princess. Whatever you say."

Y/N nodded, and changed the topic. "Can you help me convince Ace to let me watch the horror movie they're showing on TV later with you guys? He thinks it's too scary for me, but I just know that that's bullshit! I won't get scared from a silly movie, you know that, right?"

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