OCD (Preference)

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Requested by blackviperstrike. I hope I did it justice, and if there's anything I got wrong about the OCD please let me know, then I'll fix it! <3

Ace has heard of OCD before, but he doesn't really know what it actually entails. The first time of you two being together will be a learning journey for him, with a lot of trial and error at figuring out what things he can and cannot do in your presence, and especially at your place. He'll be a little put off by your need to have everything tidy all the time, and gets a little annoyed when you keep putting things back into their correct place after he took them and carelessly disposed them somewhere they don't belong. It isn't until you have a breakdown in front of him because he got annoyed and wouldn't let you do what you need in order to try and stop the intrusive thoughts plaguing you, that he really understands how important this is to you. You have a long talk after that, and you do your best to explain everything to him, how doing certain things helps you keep the obsessive thoughts under control. After that he tries to be more considerate of what sets you off, making sure to ask before he smokes at your place and always disposing the butts in the ashtray you put up for him so he won't disturb the tidiness there. He still doesn't quite understand how disturbing the intrusive thoughts can be, but he makes it a habit to ask if there's anything he can do whenever he notices you're having them.

Eyeball is completely clueless, the poor guy. Your compulsive cleaning and tidying, while striking him as a bit strange, isn't the issue. He more or less understands your explanation of why you feel the need to do that, though at first he thinks it's kind of a hypochondriac thing. Either way he doesn't mind, and on the few occasions when you come to his place—only when he can be absolutely sure his dad won't be home—he tries to tidy his room as well as he can so you won't get uncomfortable in there. He's rather messy himself, and it honestly amazes him how organized and tidy you keep your space. The obsessive thoughts on the other hand are a complete mystery to him. He understands that these thoughts are the cause of your need to keep everything orderly and of the other little rituals you have, but he can't quite grasp how these thoughts can be so uncontrollable, and that they aren't things you would normally think about, aren't things you would want to think about. But luckily he doesn't need to understand it to accept it, and he's always happy to try and distract you from them if he can, and if you want him to.

Billy is very supportive. He asks you to explain absolutely everything about your OCD so he can really understand it, to the point that his questions actually get annoying, but he only means well. He wants to know exactly how it affects you and what he can do to help when you're struggling. He's very accepting of your compulsions, and will offer to assist you with tidying for example. If you say no, because it's more the action itself that helps you fight your obsessive thoughts rather than the result, he'll back off, though. He also tries to learn as much as he can about these thoughts, like if there's anything he can do to make them stop, where they even come from etc. You might even catch him reading up on it at the library after he's done questioning you about your personal experience with it, because he's very curious about the whole disorder and it's symptoms, because it's part of you (and he accepts and loves you just as you are!), and he wants to truly understand it and find ways to make living with it as easy for you as possible.

Charlie will understand surprisingly fast, because once you've explained what OCD is to him and how it affects you, he'll actually be able to relate to some of it. He's no stranger to weird intrusive thoughts that don't quite seem like his own, and he also understands the need to have things arranged a certain way. He's really laid back about the whole thing and just let's you do what you feel you got to do, without commenting on it, and he always makes sure not to get in the way of your cleaning. If he notices your obsessive thoughts are especially bad at any given time he'll try to distract you from them, but if you prefer to handle them your own way he'll accept that and give you space.

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Where stories live. Discover now