Being Ace & Eyeball's daughter

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A/N: This is basically just background info for some upcoming imagines thrown together, and I'll keep updating it when I think of more. If there's anything else you'd like to know ask ahead in the comments and I might add something about it!

It took Ace and Eyeball a pretty long time to admit their feelings for each other. They were in denial for forever, chasing girls and pretending they were nothing more than best friends.

When they were about twenty-four one of Eyeball's one-nightstands ended up pregnant, and made it clear she had other plans than raising a kid; she'd give it to him and that was that.
Well, fuck.
Eyeball didn't want kids—he was too afraid of turning out like his own father—, but once he held his son in his arms he knew he couldn't just abandon him. He would just have to try his best to be a good father. Luckily Ace was there for him, helping him as best as he could, and together they managed.

They moved in together, and it soon became impossible to deny their feelings for each other any longer. They started dating, and eventually got married.

Eyeball grew more confident in his ability to be a good parent, and Ace really wanted a daughter he could spoil, so when little Kenny was two he got a sister named Y/N.

It's safe to say she's the most spoiled girl in Castle Rock, but despite that she's very sweet and shy.

Y/N gets along with her brother very well, and Kenny spoils her just as much as their parents do. (Kenny obviously gets spoiled too, just not as much as her.)

In spite of her shy nature Y/N is the wild one of the siblings, always the first to start a fight when someone talks shit about her family, while Kenny is the voice of reason telling her "No, you can't break that girl's nose just for saying I'm not your real brother because we're not blood related".

Y/N and Kenny share a room when they're small, but when they're around eight and ten they move into a slightly bigger place where they each get their own room.

When the kids are five and seven, Ace and Eyeball give in to their begging to get a dog. After some contemplation they decide to get two rottweiler puppies, and have them trained as guard dogs, so Y/N and Kenny would have their personal bodyguards. After all you can never be careful enough; the world is full of danger, and the fact that Ace still leads his gang certainly doesn't make it any safer for his kids.

The dogs, named Bonnie and Clyde—Kenny's idea—sleep in bed with their little masters—Y/N's idea—and faithfully chase off gruesome enemies such as the neighbor's aggressive cat, the poor, unsuspecting postman, and their grandfather when he tries to visit one time.

Ace and Eyeball make it very clear they do not want their fathers anywhere near their kids, and Ace's mother isn't allowed to visit either, but Eyeball's mother and his younger siblings are, though the only one who ever does is Chris, whom Eyeball eventually got along better with as they grew older, and who is now a lawyer (and didn't die).

Ace continues to drive his old, faithful 1952 Ford for quite a few years, but eventually gets a Dodge Challenger instead. He keeps the Ford though, and when Kenny and later Y/N get their licenses—and, let's be real here, even before that—they drive it.

Ace and Eyeball often bring Y/N and Kenny along when they're working on cars, especially when they're younger, and both of them grow up to be just as big of a car freak as their dad. "Dad" being what they call Ace; Eyeball is "Pa".

The other Cobras always tease them about how much they pamper their kids, only to spoil them even more.

Billy has married his girlfriend Connie, and they have a daughter whom Y/N adores and looks up to a lot. Sandy is the oldest and most reasonable—most responsible—of all the Cobras' kids, and plans to become a nurse so she can take good care of the little gangsters when they inevitably get hurt in a fight some day.

Fuzzy has two daughters, twins, and a son, but no wife because she died in childbirth. He says it's for the best, they wouldn't have worked out in the long run anyway.

Charlie and Vince don't have family, and Jack has moved away.

At least once a month the remaining Cobras have a big get-together with their families, most often at the Tessio's place—much to Y/N's dismay, because Sandy's cat doesn't like dogs, which means Bonnie and Clyde have to stay home. They also always celebrate holidays and birthdays together with everyone.

Ace is really good at cooking, and him and the kids often do it together. Y/N generally is more of a baker than a cook though, and always takes charge when baking Christmas cookies with Kenny and Sandy. It's tradition for the three to do so together, with their parents occasionally peeking in to make sure they don't burn the house down (a supervision that seems to become more necessary instead of less as they grow older, because they get more reckless and not at all wiser). The kitchen is a mess every year, especially in the years they do the baking at the Tessio's place, because the cat always finds a way inside somehow.

Kenny loves to draw, and is very good at it, while Y/N is more interested in books. She demands a bedtime story every night, even long after she learns to read herself, and Ace knows it's a lie when she says "Just one more chapter", but how could he say no when she gives him that pleading look? When she really gets too old for regular bedtime stories, reading time becomes a special occasion where they all cuddle up on the couch (dogs included), and take turns reading to each other.

Ace and Eyeball are both extremely protective of their family. This includes defending the kids even when they're in the wrong. Both of them, but especially Ace, are the "My child is perfect and has never done anything wrong, ever"-type of dad, and it shows.

Oftentimes when Y/N gets into a fight at school and they call Ace he acts like she did nothing wrong, even if she was the one who started it. With his help she usually manages to talk herself out of trouble by claiming the other kid started it and she was just defending herself—she's a brillant liar. Some of the older teachers remember Ace and Eyeball from when they taught them, and don't want to let it slide, knowing Y/N is clearly taking after them, but they're so tired of this shit that they end up letting her go with a light scolding anyway most of the time.

Even when she does end up getting detention or even suspended for a week or two, Ace is very proud and takes her out for ice cream on the way home. (It's usually Ace who deals with stuff like talking to the kids' teachers because he's better at it. Eyeball doesn't do well with authority, and situations like that give him anxiety.) When Kenny gets in trouble, which does happen, only less frequently, he of course gets the same treatment as Y/N. Babies both gonna be badass gangsters just like their parents <3

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