You come out as trans (ftm) (Preference (sister/brother!reader))

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A/N: Sorry these are so different in length and that I didn't include all of them, I just wanted to avoid making it too repetitive

Ace honestly isn't surprised, he probably already suspected it. His first reaction is literally "So I can't call you Princess anymore now? :(", because that's his absolute favorite pet name for you, but he comes to terms with it very fast and will be calling you little prince from now on. You already wore boy's clothes for the most part even before realizing you're trans — at least 80% of your wardrobe are hand-me-downs from Ace and the other Cobras — but Ace will help you get rid of the girly stuff you don't want anymore and take you clothes shopping to replace them with boy's clothes. If you want a binder he'll get you one, but don't you dare bind with tape/bandages. If you do he will find out and he will be furious, because he did his research and knows you can seriously hurt yourself with that. He doesn't really know how to help when you're feeling dysphoric, and usually opts for distracting you from it. All in all he does everything he can to support you and he never ever slips up with your pronouns or deadname (he does accidentally call you princess a few times in the first weeks after your coming out, but he's always quick to correct himself). He'll make sure the other Cobras know he'll kill them if they ask you any indecent questions or deadname you or disrespect you in any other way, no matter how accidental it was. Yeah, if you thought he'd be less protective of you now cause you're a guy you're dead wrong.

You probably won't have to come out to Eyeball, because as your twin he probably is the one who helps you figure out you're trans, so once you know, he knows too. He's very supportive and will reassure you if you're nervous about coming out to the other Cobras, telling you they won't care, because girl or boy, you're one of them. You don't come out to the rest of your family (except Chris) because you doubt your father would take it well and your little siblings absolutely suck at keeping secrets. Your dad will also be a bit of a problem when it comes to presenting masculine, so no haircut or anything, and you can't bind at home, but you're almost never home anyway sooo. And don't worry, the Cobras will help you present all the more masculinely when you're with them <3 If you're feeling dysphoric Richie will grab one of the others, usually Ace, and go wreck some havoc or start fights because he thinks that'll make you feel big and tough, and that that will help.

Billy is very confused but also very supportive. You definitely have to do some thorough explaining until he fully understands what's going on. Once he does he will punch anyone who disrespects you, and definitely threatens Vern and his friends to make sure they don't make any stupid comments, despite there being no need for that since Vern is on the same side as him for once and fully supports you. It's definitely gonna take some time for them to get used to your new pronouns and name, but Connie, who gets used to it a lot quicker than Billy, always reprimands him for you whenever he messes up, and eventually he gets the hang of it too. You don't personally come out to the other Cobras, since you don't have much to do with them, but Billy makes sure they know what's up and the first time you happen to see them after your coming out they greet you by your new chosen name :)

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