Chapter 1

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It was at night when Eren sat on a chair and dreamed a bit. He doesn't noticed how the door opened and closed again. Levi entered the room and looked at Eren who was half sleeping on his chair, completly ignoring what happend around him. He walked to the younger boy and sat down next to him but Erens eyes were still closed, so Levi poked him softly. "Come on brat... Go to bed." Eren opend his eyes terrified and looked around but when he saw his heichou sitting next to him he blushed a bit "E..Ehh sorry Heichou ... I was dreaming about... Uhm... What did you said?" He blushed extremly when Levi grabbed his shirt and pulled him a bit down so he don't have to look up to the younger boy. "Go to bed shitty brat...!" "But Heichou..." "Its an order!" Eren nodded fast and wanted to leave but Levi pulled him closer so their noses almost touched and whispered : "Tch... You brat" Then he turned around and went to his room, left Eren who stared at the door, unable to move. "What was that..." He asked himself. "Why do i feel... So ... weird" He put his hand on his chest, his heart was beating fast and he gasped, while thinking about what just happened. Slowly he went to his room and sat on his bed.
"Heichou ...", he whispers when he fell asleep.

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