Chapter 3

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Eren looked terrified but the older one grabbed his messy hair, pulled him against the wall and kissed his lips. Eren wides his eyes and pushed his Heichou away. "What... are you doing?" He blushed extremly and looked away. "Oi brat... You don't like it hm?" Levi turned away and drank some tea. Suddenly Eren grabbed Levis arms and kissed him again. The black haired dropped the cup, it shattered and the tea spilled over the floor. Levi put his arms around Eren and kisses him. Eren wanted to intense the kiss, opened his mouth and moved his tounge slowly in Levis mouth. He moaned when his Heichou sucked his tounge and went with his hands under Erens shirt, warm and soft hands.
They pulled apart to gasp for air but one moment later their lips and tounge were founding together again. Eren tried not to moan but it was too much for him when Levi went with his hands down to his pants. "You like it..." Whispered Levi when he felt Eren has gotten hard. "Ngh... Heichou... Not there..." the younger boy moaned when levi stroked between his legs. His breath got faster but suddenly the bell rang at the door. "Next time brat..." Levi breathed into his ear, got up and went to the door, left Eren whose face was dark red.

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