Chapter 35

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Levi went to Hanjis room, where Erwin already waited behind a table.
"Ah, Levi, look at this." He said and pointed at the opened book, that was laying on the table. Levi leaned over and read the lines.
"Hm, it's worth a try."
"Imagine we could defeat the titans that way!" Hanji yelled and jumped around in the room. "That would be great... But we aren't sure, if every word is right." Erwin said and got off his chair.
"We are going to try it on some titans and if it works, I will get the best soldiers and we will start the last expedition. You can go now."

Levis heart raced. If it would work... What would happen after they defeated the titans?
He went to the door but before he could leave, Erwin said his name. "What's up eyebrows?"
The man smirked. "Please don't tell somebody yet."
"Yes." Levi said emotionless and left the room.

'If we would win... I can go to the sea with Eren... And see the big feelds of sand.
We could lay in the grass... We could... Wait...' Levis eyes widened.
'Eren is a titan, too...'
A tear ran down Levis cheek and he rushed into his room, bumpimg into Eren. "Eren!" He cried out. "L-Levi..." The young boy hugged the shorter one, as Levi fell around his neck and started crying.
"Levi... What happened?", Eren asked and kissed Levis tears away.
"I don't want you to die Eren!"

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