Chapter 31

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At the next morning Hanji ran around in the kitchen like a group of titans were chasing her. In her hand she held the book, Levi got out of the titan. It was covered with blood but still readable. "Today we will study the notes! Hurry up and eat your breakfast!" She shouted at the people sitting at the table and stared at the woman amusemented.
"Hurrrryyyyy guys! I want to look at the notes!!!" She ran through the room again and jumped around.
When they finished their breakfast Eren took Levis hand and walked to Hanji. The woman looked at the two and blushed slightly. "Hey you two..." She said and smiled at them friendly. "Sit down here all of you." Everyone sat down around Hanji and she started reading. But Levi didn't really listened. He sat close next to Eren and slowly put his hand between Erens legs. The young boy blushed hard and stared at him terrified but Levi didn't stopped. "H-Heichou... Stop that... Not here! Everyone could see it!" He whispered and pushed his Heichou away softly. Levi smirked and placed his head on Erens shoulder. "Tonight brat..." He mumbled. Eren blushed hard and tried to concentrate on Hanjis words.
She read something about the titans and some ideas to kill them all but after a while she stopped. "I'm gonna talk to Erwin about this. See you then guys! Byyyyeee!" And she ran out of the room, leaving the confused looking boys and girls at the ground.
The day went on and Eren felt very uncomfortabe because everytime he saw Levi walking over his way or when he thougt of him it made him hard and he had to concentrate hard to relax himself.
One time Levi stopped while passing him and kissed Eren passionately with tounge and the young boy dropped the books he has to carry to Hanjis room. "Tch brat. You're so nervous just because I allowed you to be on top?" Eren blushed very hard and looked away. "Oi're hard... Just from these words?" But Eren didn't aswered. He only leaned down, closed his eyes and kissed Levi back. "See you tonight." He whispered and grabbed Levis chin and looked at his lips greedy but then he got the books and left Levi standing there blushing hard.

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