Chapter 7

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The next morning Eren woke up late. When he opened his eyes Levi looked at him, with so much love in his eyes. "Good morning my love. How are you? Does something hurt?" He whispered and kissed Erens forehead what caused that the younger boy blushed a bit. "Uhm... Yeah my bitt hurts a bit... But i think it's okay" the blushing boy said. Levi hugged him tightly and ran with his fingers through Erens hair. "Come on brat and get dressed, the others are coming back soon." He got up and got dressed while Eren watched him shyly. "Ugh.. Yes" he said and jumped out of the bed.
They went down and made breakfast when there was the noise of horses in front of the door. "They're back" Eren shouted exitedly and ran outside to welcome the others.
Mikasa got off her horse and fell into Erens arms. "I've missed you Eren!" She whispered. He sighed and hugged her back when the girl leaned over and kissed his mouth, grabbed his hair and pressed her body tightly against his. "Mikasa what..." He was paralyzed and couldn't move away so she kissed him harder. Eren didn't closed his eyes and stared at the closed eyes of his adopted sister, he couldn't belive what happened in that moment. He let her do but when she pulled apart he blushed and looked away. To the window. Where Levi stood behind the glass and looked at them with big eyes.

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