Chapter 29

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A few days later Levi went upstairs to Erens room. "Come on brat, we have to go back behind the walls. We will start in a few minutes so hurry up." "Yes Heichou!" Eren grabbed Levis hand and pulled him out of his room. They ran downstairs to the others and got on their horses.
"We will come back here in some days. I am going to tell you everything after we reached the walls. Everyone on his position? So lets start!" Erwin shouted and started their ride back to the big walls.
Levi and Eren rode next to eachother in the middle of the formation so they could be as close to the other on as possible.
Everything was fine and they didn't met a titan.
"Heichou?" Eren whispered. "Can I live at your house?" The older man blushed slightly when the words came over Erens lips and he looked at the boy next to him with big eyes. "You... Want to live with ..m-me?" He repeated. "Yes! I..." Eren stopped when a black smoke appeared behind them. "The signal for an abnormal!" Erwin shouted at them. Levi tuned around. "He is already here!" He shouted when the earth started to quake. "Shit..." He whispered and realized that there weren't any trees or high buildings around them. "Why now?" He thought. "Ready for attack!" Erwin shouted and got off his horse by using the 3DMG to try to get on top of the titan. Eren and Levi did the same and avoided the big titanhands. "Eren! Watch out!" Levi shouted when the titan missed him by a whisker. The boy turned around to Levi who wanted to schout something again but it was too late.
The big hand grabbed the body of the young boy and teared him into halfs. At the same moment Erwin cut out the titans neck and the big monster fell down, throwing away Erens body. Blood splashed on the ground when he hit the earth, starting at the sky with glassy eyes.

Levi woke up screaming and sweating and sat up in his bed. His whole body was wet and he realized that he was crying. His heart was beating fast and he fell down on his bed again panting. He closed his eyes to calm down but after a few minutes he couldn't help it so he got up, went to Erens room and fell around Erens neck crying after he closed the door. "Mh..? H-Heichou? Y-You're crying!"

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