Chapter 34

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At the next morning Eren woke up from Levis kisses. "Good morning brat. How was it last night?" "Mhhh... I ..." He stuttered. "I ...prefer you... inside me..." The young boy looked away blushing and covered his face with his pillow. Levi grabbed erens chin and looked at the boys eyes. "I prefer that way, too... And I will get a revenge for last night..." He whispered at Erens mouth wich was only a breath away from his. The young boy put his arms around the older mans neck and pulled him closer, their lips touched and Eren let his tounge slide into Levis, who gasped and reciprocated the kiss. The older man moved his hands down slowly. "Nghh Levi... Stop..." Eren panted, feeling Levis hands touching his body. "But your body wants it... It ... It reacted." Levi whispered and stroked Erens member slowly. "I just touched you... And you got hard instantly" The older man smirked. "Nghh... Don't laugh at me..." Eren moaned and kissed Levi, who bite his lip softly. "I won't" Levi breathed into Erens mouth and let his finger circle around the tip of Erens member. "Hah... L-Levi Heichou! Hah... Ahhh.." Eren moaned and looked in the semes eyes, panting hard. "Come for me... Hah... Come... Come for... Ahhh... Me..." Levi moaned into his lovers face and stroked between the taller boys legs. "Ngh Levi... no... I'm..." "Yes... Come..." The older one stroked it faster and moaned loudly as Eren came and bend up into a passionately kiss. "Hah... Yes... Eren... You're a good boy." He whispered and huuged him toghtly.
Suddenly it knocked at the door. Levi got dressed and opened the door and looked into Hanjis face. "What is it shitty glasses?" He asked but the woman stared into the room at Eren who lay in the bed still panting. "You two are so perfect." She giggled and blushed slightly. "Uhmm well, we need your help... We found something really important..." "Sure." Levi answered short, closed the door and went to the bed. "You heard it brat... See you later" he leaned over the boy and kissed him. "I love you Eren."

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