Chapter 21

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The titan turned around and loooked at the squad, his face was distorted into a terrible grin. "Don't kill him. Maybe Levi will get out again..." Erwin shouted and and rised his arm to hold them back. The titan grinned at them but suddenly he turned back to the old base and ran away without taking one more of them with him. "Let him go. I hope Levi will survive this... Mikasa?! Tie his horse at the tree over there. Maybe he will come back and without a horse he is lost to the titans." The girl got off her horse and took Levis to the tree. She thought of Levi. He had stolen Eren but now he is out there and needs his horse when he would come out of the titan. When she just made loose knots the horse would run away and Levi would die so she could have Erem. She smiled when she tied the horse on the tree and went back to the squad. "Done" she said with a cold voice and got on her horse so they start their way back home...

Levi slipped down the wet tounge and fell into the hole filled with blood and many dead bodys, it was smelling terribly and was so filthy that Levi retched and almost lost his mind. He hated the feeling of the thick hot blood all over his body and he couldn't help himself, the disgusting smell of blood and dead bodys drove him crazy. Tears ran over the face of the screaming man when he tried to find the book inside the thick liquid which was burning on his skin. He thought of Eren. Would he never see him again? This feeling was so terrible and he forgot about were he was, he only thought of Eren who would be depressed if he would die now. He had hallucinations of Eren laying on the bed wanting to kill himself. The boy took a blade and put it on his neck... Levi screamed and was back in the titanbody, feeling like he was going to drown in the blood and the dead bodys so he hurried and when he felt the book between his fingers he pulled out the blades, ready to leave this hell of pain and death. Hot blood ran into his eyes and made him blind so he could only try to carve up the titan from the inside. His blades cut into the flesh and blood splattered on Levis face what made him loose control and scream louder so he cut again and again.
He fell on the ground, the blood and corpses followed and pitched around him. Levi cried and jumped on the neck of the titan, cutting out the special part. Then he fell on the ground. Tears ran over his with blood covered face. He was free.

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