Chapter 18

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Levi sat on his horse, riding with the squad to the big forest. Until then nothing special had happened, no meeting with a titan so the formation was complete and chilled.
Levi thought of Eren. He wasn't with him for not even one day and he missed him so much and everything about him.
"Levi Heichou!"
He missed Erens pouts, when he wants to kiss him but wasn't allowed.
His smile when he gets what he wanted.
His ... Levi winced and looked around terrified. The black signal. An abnormal titan? He shook his head to think clear and concentrate on the situation. Suddenly the titan appered behind them... In the middle of the formation. "Why is that piece of shit in here???What happened to the other formation points??? Were they killed by him?" He shouted angryly and looked back to the titan, blood stuck on his mouth and his hands. "Damn... Did they died?" He cursed and made himself ready to jump off his horse when the titan jumped and wanted to grab Levi. He fell off his horse and hit the ground, sliding over the hard dusty field... The titan got closer and closer. Before the titan could reached him he used the 3DMG and was almost grabbed by the big titanhand but then he got on the back of the titan and cut the special part out of his neck. The other members of his squad stopped next to the titancorpse. "That was close Levi... Were where you with your thoughts?!" Erwin warned him. "Damn..." Levi bit his teeth together and got angry about himself. He had to concentrate more to keep the promise for Eren that he would stay alive.

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