Chapter 1

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"The words with which a child’s heart is poisoned, whether through malice or through ignorance, remain branded in his memory, and sooner or later they burn his soul"

-Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Trigger Warning: Mentions of rape


The howling wind rattled the windows, blowing puffs of cold into the chambers where two bodies stayed seated, one shivering from the unwanted cold, the other unbothered by its presence.

The cold didn't bother the young prince very much. His body was accustomed to cold temperatures, void of any warmth under his skin. The cold winds were no match for the ice in his heart, or the ice that surrounded his already damaged soul, the soul which had once lived ever so vivaciously, only to be plunged into a world of darkness and death.

The cold was never a bother. Not in the least.

A prince just in name, an honour supposedly bestowed on him by the King, none other than his older half brother.

It was ironic, really, how his mere presence had been a topic of gossip for years and now suddenly, he was named a prince and given a show of respect as if the occupants of this majestic castle didn't talk about him in its shadows.

A prince. What a blatant display of mockery.

He was not a prince. Never would be a prince.

He was but a pawn designed to be fitted onto the board of chess for others to toy with.

An illegitimate child that was a result of an unwanted pregnancy, conceived in the brutal act of rape that a human blood bag slave was subjected to.

The king made a mistake that fateful night, when in his bloodlust he had forgotten to force feed the human slave herbs that could prevent a conception. 

His fate would have been death while he was in the slave's womb, merely a fetus, had it not been for the heir apparent to the throne who had taken ill at that very time.

The Vampire King was a man who never took any chances. So when an opportunity presented itself for a spare heir, he took it.

The human slave was allowed to keep the child. Afterall, if anything happened to the heir, then the child would be allowed to take the heir's place.

Illegitimate or not, a child born with the blood of the Vampire King was still a child of the King, granted it was a product of rape.

Jungkook learnt from an early age who he was. Just a whore's son who had the Vampire King as his father.

While the king had great plans for his bastard child, he miscalculated a significant fact. A child is easy to manipulate, to forge and carve into the perfect version the parent wants the child to be.

Either a good person or a monster.

The king wanted his bastard child to be just like him. A monster incapable of feelings.

But how can a mother ever let her child be subjected to anything bad?

So while the King did everything in his power to clone the child into a version of himself, the slave mother made sure her son never forgot the goodness in his heart.

Jungkook was raised to be a kind and caring human, capable of being cruel and vindictive nonetheless. A great contrast, really.

Everything was going great until the human slave died.

A whore doesn't deserve a proper burial.

The King's words lit a fire in the 16 year old Jungkook, who for the first time felt his actual place in the great hierarchy of the Kingdom.

He was, but a whore's son. A child that was the product of rape. A child that was but a pawn whose strings were in the grasp of the Vampire King.

And while the 16 year old boy digged a grave, burying his mother in the woods, placing a single stone to mark its existence, all he could dream of was to get away from the place that had killed his mother.

But dreams are only dreams, never a reality.

Even though he was now a prince, the truth remained unchanged. A title given merely for selfish reasons couldn't change the fact that he was still a whore's son, a bastard child kept simply for the purpose of being used as a pawn by the king.

Before the previous king, his father held his strings, now it was his half brother, the current king who controlled the strings.

The unexpected title of a prince made sense now, as the news of the alliance reached him.

He was again remained about how his life was owned by the crown. All the decisions involving his life had always been made by the one who wears the crown. So this was no different.

Vampire Prince Jeon Jungkook will wed Werewolf Crown Prince Kim Taehyung as an act of peace, putting an end to the war between the two species. 

Indeed. A marriage to the crown prince will require someone with a title.

A prince for the crown prince.

Not an illegitimate child of the Vampire King.

The title of a prince that was bestowed by the King, his brother was not a gift of consideration, but rather an act to present him as the perfect scapegoat. 

The news had rattled the entire Kingdom, who for obvious reasons couldn't fathom the need for an alliance, a peace treaty with the enemy.

Vampires hated Werewolves with a vengeance.

Thus this decision of the King surprised and baffled many.

Jungkook's servant, and bestfriend, Jimin was one such individual, who appeared shaken by the news and was currently seated, shivering in the presence of the young prince.

Jimin was given to Jungkook by his father, and while jungkook hated the idea of having a slave, there wasn't much he could do. If he had refused, then Jimin would have been used as a blood bag or worse, a whore to satisfy the heartless vampires.

So Jungkook agreed and since then, Jimin had become Jungkook's only friend.

"My prince, what will you do? The Werewolves are notorious in their hate for vampires. They will no doubt be unkind", Jimin's sweet, fairy like voice drifted through the air.

Jungkook smiled, seemingly unbothered, "Jiminie hyung, how many times have I asked you to not call me that? Atleast in privacy."

Jimin heaved a sigh, "my apologies, Jungkookie, however, this is an urgent matter. The werewolves will skin you alive. What are you going to do?"

Jungkook hummed, finally looking up at  Jimin with his blood red eyes, "I believe we have to start packing. The wedding is  in 2 days time. We need to be ready. Do not fret hyung, I will make sure no harm befalls us. I give you my word."

Jimin could only pray and hope for the best.

Though Jungkook was somewhat enthusiastic. Leaving one hell in exchange for another, talk about adventure.

Life was indeed going great for the young Vampire.

So it begins. Are you ready for chaos dear readers???

In the next chapter, we shall meet Crown Prince Kim Taehyung.


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