Chapter 5

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"Bravery isn't running headfirst into battle. Bravery is standing tall and unafraid in the midst of a storm, knowing and sure of your own destruction"

"No. I will not leave without him"

Taehyung watches amused as the Vampire King snarls at Prince Jungkook's insolence. He won't lie, he is rather entertained by the turn of events.

It's the morning after the wedding and banquet, and while he should have been on route for the werewolf kingdom with his newly married husband, he is sitting here in the Vampire King's Court due to his husband's rather preposterous demands.

"He is a slave, little brother. He will not be of any use to you there at your new home. It will be better to keep him here where he will be useful", the Vampire King speaks firmly, glaring at the prince who seems unbothered by the tension in the room.

"Very well then", Prince Jungkook answers, rather defiantly, "if he will not be allowed to come with me, then I shall not leave as well"

The king huffs angrily, "what do you mean you will not leave? You are married. You need to go and stay with your intended."

Prince Jungkook shrugs, sparing a glance at Taehyung, as if to assess the crown prince's state.

"I'm sure my husband can survive without me seeing as we just met yesterday. But I am not leaving without Jimin. I do not care that you think he will be of no use to me at the werewolf castle. I will decide if he is of use or not. However, I refuse to leave him here for you to abuse and use as you see fit. So either he comes with me, or I stay right where I am. Your choice, your majesty"

The King's fangs elongated as soon as those words left Jungkook's mouth, "You insolent fool. Have you forgotten who you are talking to? I am your king. You will obey me."

Taehyung watches with glee how Jungkook's eyes contain a fire in them now. A raging inferno, if you will.

"I do not care about your title. King or not, my decision stands. I will not leave without Jimin. I will not leave Jimin here to be used as one of your countless pleasure tools. He is coming with me. One way or the other"

Prince Taehyung, who has been watching this interaction with an amused smirk decides to intervene at this point, noticing how his intended didn't seem to budge at all, no matter how angry the king seems to get. Any further antagonizing and one of them will end up dead.

His new husband, it appears, was fearless and determined. Like a little lion cub, only he looked innocent as a bunny. Interesting.

"Your majesty", Taehyung drawled, "it would seem my husband is rather adamant about bringing the boy along. What kind of a loving husband would I be, so as to not allow him such a small request? So if you would be so kind, let the boy come along. He can help the prince in adapting to my kingdom, as it is a new place."

The words uttered were masked as a request, but there wasn't anything of that sort in the tone that was used. Taehyung's tone implied that the king had no choice but to accept.

King Choi seems to have gathered that much from that tone, as he sighed and exclaimed, "fine. I shall allow the slave to leave as well. Tell the slave to pack, little brother. You are lucky you are family, or I shall have had your head on a platter for your insolence"

Prince Jungkook, it seems had little regard for respecting the crown, for he snorted rather unceremoniously, saying, "funny you remembered I'm family.  Took you 23 years."

Taehyung resisted the urge to laugh. He couldn't help but be thrilled at how different Prince Jungkook seemed from how he looked.

An innocent little lamb with bright doe eyes, but in his heart was a fire that could burn the world down.

Maybe, it would be rather fun to take his revenge now. It was hard to find a worthy opponent, after all.

"Prince Taehyung", King Choi addressed him now as Prince Jungkook left the room to get his slave.

"Yes, your majesty?", Taehyung answered, eyes finding the King's.

"I would like to request something, in the hopes that you would be kind enough to grant it, ofcourse", the King's tone had an edge to it, and Taehyung couldn't help but notice.

"Of course, your majesty"

The king sighed, deep in thought.

"There are things about Prince Jungkook that are common knowledge. One of these things are of his birth mother. He has already received hell for it in this castle. My father wasn't a very kind man, you see. I have watched my brother grow as the illegitimate heir, but more than that, I have watched him grow tolerating the taunts and words others threw at him. I am hoping, and requesting, that you be kind to him, and hopefully, protect him shall he need it. He is strong to protect himself physically, but he needs to be protected emotionally and mentally. As such, I hope as his husband, you will help him in that aspect"

Taehyung glanced up at the King in surprise, for he wasn't even aware of such knowledge.

"Your majesty, pardon me, but I am not entirely sure what you mean. I am not privy to gossip, thus I do not know of the things you speak of. I cannot help him if I do not know what I'm dealing with", Taehyung mused, an apologetic tone used but really, in his head, he was simply fishing for information.

"Ah. Well, Prince Jungkook, as you know, was only recently crowned as a prince. His mother was a slave owned by my father. She was, to put it in other words, a slave used for both pleasure and food. As such, Prince Jungkook has always been known as the illegitimate heir and the whore's son. To be fair, though, she was a whore used for the vampire's pleasure; but the name had followed the prince all his life"

Taehyung nodded in understanding.

"Very well, your majesty. I will try to protect him to the best of my abilities"

As the King smiled joyous, Taehyung turned around to hide his smirk.

Ofcourse he will. Such a vital information about the Vampire's weakness was victory indeed.

Taehyung will protect the Prince from other's words, but that doesn't mean he will filter his own words in any way.

The king had unknowingly given Taehyung all the weapon he needs to break the prince.  A plan was already forming in Taehyung's head and it was glorious.

Prince Jungkook was surely going to love his new home. Taehyung will make sure of it.



What do you think Taehyung has in mind?

Remember, morally grey characters border on the thin edge of right and wrong. So whatever is going to happen next, remember, Taehyung is a morally grey character and this is a dark themed book, so don't come for me !

So, what I'm trying to say is, you will either hate him and then love him in the end, or you will hate him just the same throughout.

All in all, just be warned.

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